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Amazon delivery man purposely spits on package, spreads it with hand before leaving the parcel at door

In the video footage, the delivery person is seeing placing the package down on the porch, leaning over to spit on it and then appearing to smear some of it on the package as more saliva falls out of his mouth 
UPDATED MAR 28, 2020
(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

HANCOCK PARK, LA: An Amazon delivery man was caught on camera spitting on a package and using his hands to smear it as well.  The incident occurred on Thursday evening at a duplex residence in LA's Hancock Park neighborhood. TMZ was able to obtain a video of the nasty incident given the deadly coronavirus outbreak that has gripped the world in its claws. 

In the video footage, the delivery person is seen placing the package on the porch. He then leans over and spits on to it after which he appears to wipe some of it on the package as more saliva falls out of his mouth. 

The man then stands up as if nothing happened and clicks a parcel to verify the delivery. As per sources, Amazon was contacted by a neighbor and friend of the person who's parcel had been spit on. They also had a customer service rep watch the video along with them. 

The rep was seen gasping in horror upon realizing that the Amazon delivery man was an older individual and not a young guy. The rep also confirmed that the delivery guy belonged to a third party service and was reported. A neighbor shared the delivery confirmation picture which clearly revealed the spit on the box. 

An Amazon spokesperson shared, "This is clearly not representative of drivers who deliver for Amazon and the care they take for customers around the world every day. We are aggressively investigating to understand what may have occurred in this situation. If it truly was a malicious act by the driver, we will be sure he is held accountable, up through and including law enforcement action." 

Recently, a similar incident came to light in Pennsylvania where a woman was arrested and charged with felony counts of terrorist threats to use a "biological agent" and criminal mischief. She was also charged with misdemeanor counts of criminal attempt to commit retail theft and disorderly conduct.

The police revealed that the woman, Margaret Cirko, had entered the store and had also made threats that she was sick. She proceeded to intentionally cough on products and attempted to steal a 12-pack beer before being ordered to leave by employees. 

According to the owner of the store, the woman's sick prank cost the store around  $35,000 worth of products with workers being forced to clean and disinfect everything along with the health inspector. The Federal law enforcement recently announced that it is considering terrorism charges for anyone who purposely spreads COVID-19. It is not known whether the woman actually had the virus or not. 

The United States of America till now has more than 104,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus across the country. The latest numbers follow POTUS Donald Trump signing a $2 trillion coronavirus spending package into law.

New York has reported 134 new coronavirus related deaths in 24 hours, New York Government Andrew M Cuomo shared. These numbers are a jump from 100 deaths reported on the previous day.

Friday's numbers amount to one death in the state every 10 minutes.