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From masochism to lactophilia 'The Boys' is a hotbed of fetishes: Here's the full list you know you need

'The Boys' is known for delving into unusual fetishes involving Supes, and here are a few notable ones we think stand out
'The Boys' has always delved into unconventional fetishes, adding to its reputation for exploring boundary-pushing themes (@primevideo)
'The Boys' has always delved into unconventional fetishes, adding to its reputation for exploring boundary-pushing themes (@primevideo)

Warning: Contains spoilers and graphic content, readers’ discretion advised

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In the latest episode of 'The Boys' titled, 'Dirty Business', which aired on July 4, viewers were introduced to yet another peculiar fetish, this time involving Tek Knight, a Supe with a penchant for BDSM.

His secret 'Tek Cave' serves as his personal sex dungeon. This isn't the first time the show has delved into unconventional fetishes, adding to its reputation for exploring boundary-pushing themes.

On that note here are some of the weirdest fetishes we have seen in 'The Boys'.

A-Train's podophilia in 'The Boys' hasn't been touched upon since Season 1

A-Train's costly new show critiques Hollywood and especially MCU's budget-quality fallacy (@primevideo)
A-Train in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

In 'The Boys', Popclaw is a tragic figure with super strength and deadly claws, earning her nickname. Once a celebrity featured in various media, her downfall begins after being caught in a drug-fueled scandal.

In Season 1, she secretly dates A-Train and urges him to make their relationship public, resorting to an unusual tactic: sucking on his toes. A-Train, known for his super speed linked to his feet, seems to relish the attention.

His ego and pride in his feet align with his powers, making the scene both bizarre and oddly fitting in the world of Supes.

Tek Knight's 'Tek Cave' is nothing like Batcave

 Derek Wilson returns as Tek-Knight in 'The Boys' Season 4 (@primevideo)
Derek Wilson returns as Tek-Knight in 'The Boys' Season 4 (@primevideo)

In 'The Boys', during a party at Tek Knight's mansion, Hughie infiltrates disguised as potential sidekick Web Weaver to uncover secrets of The Seven.

Expecting a high-tech lair, Hughie is surprised when Tek offers a tour of his 'Tek Cave', which turns out to be a grimy sex dungeon filled with bizarre paraphernalia—dildos, masks, and medieval torture devices.

Tek even has his old sidekick chained in a gimp suit. The scene escalates as Tek engages in self-asphyxiation and prompts Hughie to sit on a chocolate cake, then fart, which oddly pleases Tek.

The show treats these fetishes without judgment, finding humor in the surreal situation rather than the acts themselves.

Hughie's discomfort adds to the absurdity, especially since Tek thinks Hughie is Web Weaver, willingly participating in his strange desires, complicating an already queasy scenario.

Homelander's milk fetish is one of the highlights of 'The Boys'

In addition to his unsettling fixation on maternal figures, Homelander's peculiar obsession with milk introduces yet another layer of complexity to his character (@primevideo)
In addition to his unsettling fixation on maternal figures, Homelander's peculiar obsession with milk introduces yet another layer of complexity to his character (@primevideo)

Homelander's unsettling fixation on maternal figures and his peculiar obsession with milk add depth to his character in 'The Boys'. His interactions with maternal figures highlight profound psychological wounds, while his consumption of milk symbolizes deeper desires and anxieties.

Homelander's love for milk seemingly reflects his longing for purity and control in a chaotic, morally ambiguous world. In the corrupt and depraved landscape of 'The Boys', milk symbolizes innocence and order, providing Homelander with a brief escape from his burdensome existence.

His obsession with milk, which can also be termed lactophilia, has also become the source of many memes and discussions on social media platforms.

In 'The Boys', Homelander is a multifaceted character, whose complexities challenge conventional understanding. His obsessions and tragic backstory highlight the enduring impact of childhood trauma.

As the series delves deeper into its characters, Homelander stands out as a testament to the complexities of the human psyche, captivating and deeply unsettling in equal measure.

Termite's sounding fetish gave 'The Boys' its one of the biggest WTF moments 

Brett Geddes as Termite in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Brett Geddes as Termite in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

In 'The Boys' Season 3 premiere, the show continues its tradition of shocking audiences with crude and provocative scenes.

Billy Butcher starts working for Victoria Neuman's Bureau of Superhero Affairs, under orders to capture, not kill, supes, despite his desire to return to lethal methods.

During an intimate moment with his lover, Termite shrinks and enters his lover's penis. After snorting cocaine, Termite sneezes, causing himself to expand suddenly from inside the penis, resulting in a gruesome and explosive death for his partner.

This bizarre and graphic event stands out as an unforgettable moment in the series, highlighting its provocative and boundary-pushing storytelling.

Homelander is his biggest fan, but maybe not in the way you think

Antony Starr in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Antony Starr in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

In 'The Boys', there's a memorable scene where Homelander enlists Doppelganger, a shape-shifting superhero, to transform into his deceased boss, Madelyn Stillwell.

Doppelganger tries to seduce Homelander in Stillwell's form, but when that fails, he transforms into Homelander himself, which strangely excites the real Homelander.

Throughout the encounter, Doppelganger reassures Homelander that it's not gay because he's essentially having sex with himself, adding an uncomfortable homophobic undertone to the scene.

The unsettling sequence concludes with Homelander abruptly snapping Doppelganger's neck, further emphasizing the disturbing dynamics at play in the series.

'The Boys' put everyone on the edge, including eight-legged creature, with The Deep's zoophilia

in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Chace Crawford in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

 In 'The Boys' TV show, The Deep (Chace Crawford), grapples with a controversial storyline involving zoophilia. The character, initially presented as a vain and arrogant superhero with aquatic powers, faces consequences after a sexual harassment scandal.

As part of his redemption arc, The Deep undergoes humiliation and a quest for self-discovery, which includes confronting his problematic behavior towards women and reckoning with his insecurities.

The controversial aspect arises when The Deep's journey leads him to an emotional low point where he seeks solace and companionship from animals, particularly dolphins.

This manifests in scenes where he communicates with dolphins and even engages in sexual acts, suggesting a disturbing inclination towards zoophilia. The narrative doesn't condone or normalize his behavior but rather uses it to explore themes of power, identity, and the consequences of unchecked privilege.

In another scene, The Deep, feeling isolated and adrift in his personal life, encounters an octopus in his living quarters. In a moment of vulnerability and seeking connection, he engages in a bizarre sexual act with the octopus.

This moment is meant to be uncomfortable and make people think about his character's choices and state of mind. The scene sparked a lot of discussion because of its graphic nature and the unusual topic it deals with.

Homelander fantasizes about massacring a crowd

Antony Starr in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Antony Starr in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

In 'The Boys' Season 2, Episode 5, Homelander faces backlash when footage of one of his deadly mistakes surfaces. Upset by public opinion turning against him, labeling him a war criminal, he attends an anti-Homelander rally organized by Victoria Neuman.

Instead of admitting fault and apologizing, Homelander dismisses the incident as commonplace.

His callous response enrages the crowd, who chant, "You don't speak for us." In his anger, Homelander imagines using his laser vision to slaughter hundreds in the crowd.

This imaginary massacre would be one of the most horrific moments if it were real. However, in reality, it's only a disturbing scene in Homelander's mind which, also really turns him on by the way.

This scene reveals Homelander's disturbing inclination towards violent impulses, despite being the world's strongest individual. It underscores his unstable mental state and the dangerous power he wields.

'The Boys' trailer 


6 episodes of 'The Boys' are streaming on Prime Video