'F****** curry-ass** b****es': Texas woman arrested after racially abusing group of Indian women

PLANO, TEXAS: A Plano woman was arrested on charges of assault and making threats after an incident outside a restaurant Wednesday night, August 24. Police have video evidence of the incident that was posted on Facebook. Esmeralda Upton, 58, is accused of using racial slurs during a physical attack on a group of Indian American women outside the Sixty Vines Restaurant in the 3700 block of Dallas Parkway. She is alleged to have called the women "f****** curry-ass** b****es".
One of the women, Rani Banerjee, posted a five-minute video from the incident on Facebook, and it quickly spread across social media. The video was captioned, "Dinner with friends ended with a frightening experience. As we left Sixty Vines, Plano and headed toward our cars, an angry, drunk woman came at us with hateful racial slurs and even physically attacked us." The video shows Upton using racial slurs, and at one point physically smacking at least two of the women.
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One of the women who recorded the incident was on the phone with 911 throughout the exchange. "She's a white woman wearing a black dress," the woman told 911. "No, I am not white," Upton said in the video. "I am Mexican! I am Mexican, and I paid my f**king way here!" "We didn't even talk to you. Why did you walk up to us to talk?!" one woman asked. Rani said she has lived in the Dallas area for 29 years and "never have I felt so humiliated, threatened, and scared for my life." It's not clear what started the incident and whether it started inside a business.
"These f****** Indians, they come to America because they want a better life", Upton continued. "I hate these f****** Indians. I'm a Mexican-American. I was born here. Were you born here? The way you speak. Everywhere I f****** go, you Indians are f****** everywhere." One of the women tells Upton she is a naturalized citizen, which Upton then mocks. "You're a naturalized citizen, you are not a born and raised American," she said.
"Because I hate you f**king Indians, that’s why!" Upton can be seen saying. "You guys come to our country." She added, "Can't believe this is what America has become." At one point, Upton is heard trying to make an apology of sorts. "You know what. You are right. Ma’am, I am sorry. I am sorry," she said. "You know what, peace. Ok, f**k you! Peace. I overstepped my bounds." According to Daily Mail, one of the women said that Upton, who works for California Federal Bank, now owned by Citigroup, approached them.
The woman who was recording the video told the 911 operator they didn’t feel safe. That’s when Upton started talking about their bodies. "I am not going to hurt you," Upton said. "Look at me. I am all of 100 pounds. You guys weigh well over 200." Less than two minutes later, an officer arrived and separated Upton from the group of women. Upton was arrested Thursday, August 25, on charges of misdemeanor assault and misdemeanor terroristic threats. Police say they are investigating it as a hate crime and more charges could be filed against Upton. Her bond is set at $10,000.