EPIX's 'From' finale fan theories: Will Boyd turn into a monster and will Jim Matthews die in Season 2?

EPIX's 'From' ended on a gripping note and the ten-episode series created by John Griffin and executive produced by the Russo brothers asked more questions than answers by the end of the season. Such was the way the finale ended that a Season 2 is inevitable, however, there has been no official confirmation about a new installment. The ending had fans discussing the future of the show and the theories.
The hope is that the new season answers most questions that Season 1 gave rise to. Episode 10 ended with Mathews (Eion Bailey) getting a response that sends shivers down everyone's spine. Tabitha (Catalina Sandino Moreno) escapes with Victor after she stumbles to the place where the monsters come up from. Boyd (Harold Perrineau) goes into the faraway tree and finds himself trapped in a narrow chimney-spaced place while there's no reveal about what happens to Sara (Avery Konrad).
'From' Episode 10 Ending Explained: Finale gives nothing away as key characters separate
EPIX 'From' Episode 10 Review: Nobody's going home yet, and season 2 must happen
Fan Theory #1: Will Boyd Stevens turn into a monster?
One of the discussion points of the finale was whether Boyd would turn into a monster after being bitten by the spiders in the finale. He hears his dead wife, Abby's voice, and heads into a cobwebbed portion of the jungle only to realize it was a gory vision and gets bitten by a bunch of spiders in the process. As the weather turns worse in their quest to find a way out, he collapses out of pain and exhaustion despite Sara Myers' desperate attempts to push him forward to make it to the lighthouse they see.
She sees a vision of the boy in white who tells her to get into the nearby faraway tree and Boyd is pushed in first where he finds himself trapped in a narrow space. The working theory is that, while he may survive the threat of the ghouls, he just might end up becoming one himself.
Fan Theory #2: Jim Mathews die in 'From' Season 2

Tabitha digging through and finding their lair and Victor is no coincidence as the latter was waiting for her to find the place. Fans felt that Tabitha and Victor may be safe from the monsters, but Jim might be the one to die at the hands of the monsters if he attempts to go down and find out about Tabitha. Will he be one of the key characters to bite the dust in Season 2?
Fan Theory #3: This is a pocket dimension
There are wires and electricity, but no source and that makes for an interesting discussion. One of the fans felt that the place these people are trapped in is a ghastly pocket dimension where they atone for their sins of the past. While the latter part of it may seem farfetched, these characters are trapped in an unknown dimension makes a lot of sense.
Fan Theory #4: Is the bartender the voice Jim heard on the radio?
One of the Reddit theories read, "Tom the bartender. He specifically said he wasn't going to be at the colony house for the attempt at radio contact, he knew about the digging, and it kind of sounds like him on the radio." While there can be both sides to this argument if he was indeed the voice on the radio, then we're in for one helluva ride. Perhaps he could communicate with the monsters just like Sara?
Fan Theory #5: What do the drawings say?
There might be a story told to us in those drawings. If we look at them from left to right, it shows people arrive by boat. Maybe lured there by the red tower, that's a reference to the lighthouse. The same people worship or sacrifice (the square shapes under the symbol, could be graves or sacrificial altars like a cult of sorts.
What are your thoughts on the season finale of EPIX's 'From'?