'From' Episode 10 Ending Explained: Finale gives nothing away as key characters separate

Contains spoilers from 'From' Episode 10 'Oh, the Places We'll Go'
EPIX's 'From' was never really going to answer all the questions. It just wasn't meant to be one tying-loose-end sort of a show and that just makes the wait for Season 2 all the more painful. 'Oh, the Places We'll See' separates all the key characters, and safe to say, the fate of each of them remains unanswered.
We try and make sense of the ending that has surely left the audience puzzled and equally intrigued about a new installment.
EPIX 'From' Episode 10 Review: Nobody's going home yet, and season 2 must happen
'From' Review: EPIX's riveting horror drama dishes out the chills in copious measure
What happened to Boyd and Sara?
Harold Perrineau's Boyd Stevens gets some major screentime in the episode with Sara Myers (Avery Konrad). There's more insight into his past with his wife Abby, who calls him Mr Fish and Loaves (A Jesus Christ reference perhaps to show that Boyd was the messiah). He and Sara recover from whatever dragged them to a cobwebbed part of the jungle where he hears his wife's voice only to follow it, has a bizarre vision, and gets bitten by spiders in the process. The final minute sees him get inside the faraway tree and end up in what is a very congested chimney kind of a place.
Reddit theories suggest that Boyd was actually in the lighthouse that he and Sara see and hear the horn blaring from. At this point, we have no idea if Sara got inside the tree herself. She may have either been dead or perhaps found herself in an unknown place after getting in herself. What we can theorize for now is that they have been separated from their whereabouts in the dark.

Can the boy in white be trusted?
For starters, Victor, Sara, and Ethan can actually see the boy in white and that makes the trip special. He does seem to have the faith of both Victor and Sara, but there is that question of why he's actually helping them out. Boyd's current predicament is due to the boy's insistence that they get in the tree to be safe, and although Boyd is alive, we don't know if that's going to be the case.
Where did Victor and Tabitha go?
Presumably somewhere safe? The lighthouse maybe? It's hard to tell, but what we do know is that the monsters live underground during the day. Tabitha digging through and finding their lair and Victor is no coincidence as the latter was waiting for her to find the place. If Boyd is indeed in the lighthouse, and if these two characters head back, will there be a reunion in Season 2?
Whose voice did Jim hear on the radio?
Despite the speculations that it could be Victor, it doesn't appear so because the man was actually waiting for Tabitha to find the place. It could be the monsters who in some way have always been one step ahead of the people and the short-lived win with the radio working just ended on a bad note for Jim, who just rediscovered his love for his wife. There's no idea if Jim will follow down, but safe to say, he won't be making it out alive if he decides to take that step.

Are there new visitors?
The final scene shows a bus pull up in front of the diner. More ghouls or new visitors? Is this place actually a modern-day version of hell that brings people with some horrific past or acts that they need to atone for? Is Kristi's fiancee on the bus, because clearly there was a chat between her and Kenny about where their relationship heads. Our guess: There are new entrants.
What are those drawings about?
There might be a story told to us in those drawings. If we look at them from left to right, it shows people arrive by boat. Maybe lured there by the red tower, that's a reference to the lighthouse. The same people worship or sacrifice (the square shapes under the symbol, could be graves or sacrificial altars like a cult of sorts. The being is shown in full strength because of the sacrifices?) and finally, people are rewarded for their worship with a good harvest. We could be wrong.
What are your thoughts on the season finale of EPIX's 'From'?