Man tapes dog poop to his wall with threatening note for person who let their pet take a dump in his garden

An enraged man who had found dog feces in their flower beds, put up a note along with two bags of dog feces taped to their wall. The writer of the note warned the owner of the dog that they would be setting up cameras nearby and threatened them with a $1,172 fine. The person in question also posted about the incident on Reddit.
“To whom this may concern, this is your dog shit. I have a dog of my own and I use dog bags, pick it up and take it home. Cameras are going up. It is $1,172 fine. Also if I find out where you live I will post it through your letterbox. Stop your dog shitting in my flower beds,” the handwritten note states.
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It is considered common sense to take responsibility of your pet as well as anything that comes with it, including their feces. The person to who this note was addressed to had clearly been failing to be a responsible pet owner as well as respect somebody else's private property. The Redditor received lots of supporting statements regarding the issue and most users have agreed that his step towards the matter is pretty fair.
“I mean you have to be some of the lowest of the low to let your pet shit somewhere and think ‘welp not my problem’. Since I've become a dog owner a few years ago my stance on this has only strengthened,” one user commented, weighing on the subject. “Straight to the point. No bulls**t. Clear and effective. 10/10. This is how you handle this situation,” another user said in support of the Redditor. "I can understand it. If you have a dog and don't clean up after it and are able to then you are a c**t,” a third person wrote.
Many other users shared their own stories where neighbors or passersby had left their pets' fecal matter on their lawn or property without cleaning it up. “I have a corner lot and people do this all the time. The worst a**hole I caught used a bag to pick it up so people walking by thought he was cleaning, then he tossed it thirty feet right up to my house,” a fellow Redditor shared. Another talked about a hilarious story where the person captured footage of two people letting their dogs take a dump on the former's lawn. “I got into trouble on our local Facebook group because I posted a photo of 2 people chatting while their dogs s**t on my lawn. Apparently, I was in the wrong for showing their faces. Funnily enough, no one lets their dogs s**t on my lawn anymore,” the Redditor exclaimed.