'I don't like to brag...BUT': Trump says he got a hole-in-one in Florida, and there were WITNESSES!

Former President Donald Trump issued a lengthy statement on Monday, March 28 prior to his rally in Georgia, declaring he hit a hole-in-one during a weekend golf outing at his Florida golf course.
The statement was issued after Tim Swain, a House candidate in South Carolina, was mocked online for posting an image of Trump with a group of golf buddies on March 26.
'TRUMP JUST MADE A HOLE-IN-ONE!' was the caption that Swain added to his post. Many people doubted the claim saying he was just lying to get into Trump's good books.
Taylor Budowich, the communications director for Trump’s political action committee, also posted a video showing Trump retrieving a golf ball from the cup after his alleged hole-in-one, and proclaiming, “That’s great.” But the video of him making the shot was not posted adding more doubt.
In order to silence naysayers, Trump, who is banned from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, released a statement and a video on his own website defending his purported feat.
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45 picking up his hole-in-one on Saturday. pic.twitter.com/dzTdWAdkWe
— Taylor Budowich (@TayFromCA) March 28, 2022
In the statement, Trump proclaimed, “Many people are asking, so I’ll give it to you now, it is 100% true. While playing with the legendary golfer, Ernie Els, winner of four Majors and approximately 72 other tournaments throughout the world, Gene Sauers, winner of the Senior U.S. Open, Ken Duke, and Mike Goodes, both excellent tour players, I made a hole-in-one.”
He continued, "It took place at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on the 7th hole, which was playing 181-yards into a slight wind. I hit a 5-iron, which sailed magnificently into a rather strong wind, with approximately 5 feet of cut, whereupon it bounced twice and then went clank, into the hole."
🚨TRUMP JUST MADE A HOLE-IN-ONE! pic.twitter.com/89lrgsGkjT
— Tim Swain (@SwainForSenate) March 26, 2022
"These great tour players noticed it before I did because their eyes are slightly better, but on that one hole only, their swings weren’t. Anyway, there’s a lot of chatter about it, quite exciting, and people everywhere seem to be asking for the facts," he added.
Trump concluded the statement by pointing out that he does not like people who brag, he wrote, “I won’t tell you who won because I am a very modest individual, and you will then say I was bragging and I don’t like people who brag!”
Despite him trying to clear up the matter, people are still mocking the former President saying that he is lying. One sarcastically wrote, "Ugh, I was dying to know who won the match…I guess we’ll never know!". Another Twitter user could not believe him and tweeted, "Id like to interview the other 4 players privately before I believe this guy can hit a 5 iron 181 . Have heard him speak the truth about anything to this point".
“Playing 181 Into a slight wind …… I hit a 5 iron that sailed magnificently into a rather strong wind” hilarious. Still can’t get it right can he", another added with laughing emoticons on the side.
Ugh, I was dying to know who won the match…I guess we’ll never know!
— Brain Phillips (@BPhillips_SB) March 28, 2022
Id like to interview the other 4 players privately before I believe this guy can hit a 5 iron 181 . Have heard him speak the truth about anything to this pointhttps://t.co/PreyIz0g7I
— Jimbo (@dbldad123) March 29, 2022
“Playing 181 Into a slight wind …… I hit a 5 iron that sailed magnificently into a rather strong wind” hilarious. Still can’t get it right can he 😂😂😂
— Tony Tedesco (@ffatdr) March 29, 2022
What is a 'hole in one' in golf?
A 'hole in one' occurs when the golfer gets the golf ball into the cup on the green with just one stroke. That means hitting the ball directly from the teeing ground into the hole. The score for the hole is 1. According to Wikipedia, holes-in-one commonly occur on par 3 holes, the shortest distance holes on a standard size golf course. Longer hitters have also accomplished this feat on longer holes, though nearly all par 4 and par 5 holes are too long for golfers to reach in a single shot. Holes-in-one are rare, and although skill increases the probability, there is a great element of luck involved. It is traditional for a player who has scored a hole-in-one to buy a round of drinks for everyone at the clubhouse bar.