Who is Din Bajrektarevic? NYC student arrested for threatening to ‘shoot up’ college is released without bail

MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY: A New York City college student was arrested recently and freed without bond after he reportedly sent text messages threatening to "shoot up" a Manhattan-based institution. In light of the case involving Din Bajrektarevic, 21, who has been suspended and prohibited from campus, officials from City University of New York have issued a warning to the university community.
Two days after reportedly sending the vile comments, on November 25, 2022, Bajrektarevic of Old Bridge in New Jersey was apprehended when he returned to the college in Harlem. He was accused of making terrorist threats by CUNY campus police and the NYPD, according to the police. “When I shoot up the school, know who is to blame,” one of the missives said, according to the criminal complaint against him. The city will go to war you dumb N***** M****** (comparing the defendant’s race to an animal),” the court document states. “Your brains will be left on the f****** pavement.”
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Bajrektarevic was reportedly charged with first-degree harassment as a hate crime, second-degree aggravated harassment, and second-degree aggravated harassment by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office. He was released on his own recognizance since no charges, including the one brought by the police, qualified for bail under New York state law, as reported by the New York Post. According to the DA's office, he was also the subject of a restraining order. Bajrektarevic is set to make an appearance in court on January 11, 2023.
City College's public safety office "acted on the threat with the NYPD and the FBI, and the student was promptly identified and arrested," according to a letter it sent to the campus community. “All CCNY Public Safety Officers have been informed that Mr Bajrektarevic has been suspended and barred from campus, and they are fully prepared to enforce the bar should he attempt to enter the City College campus,” the email obtained by New York Post states. The student's picture was also made public by safety officials who urged the public to “remain alert, and should you encounter Mr Bajrektarevic on the City College campus, please immediately notify CCNY Public Safety.”
The email noted, “We have no reason to believe at this time that Mr. Bajrektarevic intends to violate the directive and attempt to enter the City College campus. Nor do we have any indication that Mr Bajrektarevic is in possession of any firearm or any other deadly weapon.”
With an alarming rise in mass shootings in the country during 2022, especially in schools and colleges, citizens are concerned about Bajrektarevic walking away after being pressed against heavy charges. His text messages were a clear indication of the seriousness of the threat which loomed over the residents of New York.