Dean Cain has an opinion about Superman being bisexual and fans don't like it one bit

After DC comics announced that Jonathan Kent, the son of Clark Kent aka Superman and Lois Lane is coming out as bisexual, fans welcomed the inclusivity wholeheartedly. The announcement was made Monday, October 11, which also happened to be the National Coming Out Day. Actor Dean Cain, 55, who played Superman in the ABC series 'Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman' from 1993 to 1997, dissed the comic bookmakers for portraying Superman as bisexual.
During an interview with 'Fox & Friends' on Tuesday, October 12, Dean Cain said, "They said it’s a bold new direction, I say they’re bandwagoning." "Robin just came out as bi — who’s really shocked about that one? The new Captain America is gay. My daughter in [the TV series] 'Supergirl,' where I played the father, was gay. So I don’t think it’s bold or brave or some crazy new direction. If they had done this 20 years ago, perhaps that would be bold or brave," he added.
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The actor continued saying, "Brave would be having him fighting for the rights of gay people in Iran where they’ll throw you off a building for the offense of being gay. They’re talking about having him fight climate change and the deportation of refugees and he’s dating a hacktivist — whatever a hacktivist is." He then added, "Why don’t they have him fight the injustices that created the refugees whose deportation he’s protesting? That would be brave, I’d read that. Or fighting for the rights of women to attend school and have the ability to work and live and boys not to be raped by men under the new warm and fuzzy Taliban — that would be brave."
'Why does Dean Cain thinks he matters?'
Fans slammed Dean Cain for calling DC's move of making Superman bisexual 'bandwagoning' and posted tweets like, "Let's be clear. Dean Cain doesn't read comic books. If he weren't guaranteed a fee, he'd never set foot in a comic book convention. So asking his opinion, because he was the categorically worst Superman actor in creation for three seasons 30 years, is a useless exercise." One person tweeted, "How bold is Dean Cain, you played one of the best, honorable, heroic, caring characters of all time yet managed to not actually hold one of those principles"
One fan wrote, "Why doesn’t Dean Cain just shut the f*ck up omg, dude hasn’t been relevant for years and only gets a slight bit of publicity everytime he says something bigoted or when somebody brings up his boring a** Superman" Another tweet read, "Why does Dean Cain thinks he matters? Your show was a flop and your name doesn't even come into discussion when we talk about live action Supermans" Another fan said, "I'll always be grateful to Lois & Clark for introducing me to Superman, but Dean Cain is a disgrace. I don't ever want to hear his opinion on anything Superman related. He can go star with the other D listers in God Hates Queers and shut the hell up."
Let's be clear.
— Jam it in your Igle (@JAMALIGLE) October 12, 2021
Dean Cain doesn't read comic books. If he weren't guaranteed a fee, he'd never set foot in a comic book convention. So asking his opinion, because he was the categorically worst Superman actor in creation for three seasons 30 years, is a useless exercise.
How bold is Dean Cain, you played one of the best, honorable, heroic, caring characters of all time yet managed to not actually hold one of those principles
— Rickey Williams- Fully Vaccinated, positive vibes! (@MavethTheReaper) October 12, 2021
Why doesn’t Dean Cain just shut the f*ck up omg, dude hasn’t been relevant for years and only gets a slight bit of publicity everytime he says something bigoted or when somebody brings up his boring ass Superman
— Ollie🎃 (@NegativeArrow_) October 12, 2021
Why does Dean Cain thinks he matters? Your show was a flop and your name doesn't even come into discussion when we talk about live action Supermans
— T'Challa Stan (@KhameekJ03) October 12, 2021
I'll always be grateful to Lois & Clark for introducing me to Superman, but Dean Cain is a disgrace. I don't ever want to hear his opinion on anything Superman related. He can go star with the other D listers in God Hates Queers and shut the hell up.
— Alan Sarapa (@AlanSarapa) October 12, 2021