Who are David Dobrik's Vlog Squad members? The men at the center of horrific rape and sexual assault allegations

A number of David Dobrik’s Vlog Squad members have been accused of sexual assault and rape. The most recent is an anonymous accuser coming forward and sharing horrific details of her encounter with the Vlog Squad members. According to her, she was allegedly raped by vlog member, Durte Dom, after she got drunk and was no longer in a position to give consent for a vlog by the group centered around a 'threesome' plot.
A former member, Seth François, has also accused present member, Jason Nash, along with Dobrik, of sexual assault, alleging that Dobrik forced him to make out with Nash without his consent. "Millions of people are misconstruing about my own sexuality and how I feel about participating in something that he didn't have my consent for," he said, speaking about the assault on the H3H3 podcast. He also spoke about how he had to move to Atlanta from LA because of the video featuring the assault.
Who are David Dobrik’s Vlog Squad members?
Currently, David Dobrik’s Vlog Squad consists of Dobrik, his childhood friend Dominykas "Dom" Zeglaitis, better known as Durte Dom, and YouTubers Jason Nash, Jeff Wittek, Todd Smith, Nick Antonyan and Brandon Calvillo.
On March 16, an anonymous accuser told Insider that Durte Dom had raped her after she got drunk and was no longer in a position to give consent. Using the pseudonym "Hannah" for the accuser, Insider wrote that Dominykas Zeglaitis wanted to ‘hook up’ with her and her friends as seen from chat transcripts. Some of her friends were interested but asked, "The sexy stuff won't be in the vlog, right?" To which Zeglaitis replied, "Might need to take a pic just to show dave so he believes me haha!"
The accuser, who was then a 20-year-old sophomore at a private liberal-arts school in Los Angeles, told Insider that she couldn't have predicted what would happen that evening. In her account, the accuser said, "I was under the impression that we were going to meet these cool creators, we were going to hang out, maybe film something."
Vlog Squad members supplied alcohol to her and her friends, who were too young to buy it themselves. The accuser has accused Zeglaitis of rape as she was not in a position to consent to the sexual actions because she was incapacitated by alcohol. According to her, she had drunk so much alcohol the night she filmed with the Vlog Squad that she blacked out. The accuser has presented a text message from her friend who accompanied her and commented on her condition as evidence.
Dobrik filmed some of the portions of the night as content for a video that was later uploaded with the title "SHE SHOULD NOT HAVE PLAYED WITH FIRE!!" portraying a threesome plot. Before the video was deleted at the accuser's request, it was viewed 5 million times. All the other members of the Vlog Squad also appeared in the video.
Referring to how Zeglaitis was trying to get Hannah drunk, the accuser's friend said, “There were definitely times she was drinking it of her own volition, but there were also times where he was clearly trying to get her to drink more. She was not fully coherent and articulate.”
David Dobrik, who is dubbed the Jimmy Fallon of Gen Z ‘addressed’ some of these issues in his least popular YouTube channel with over a million subscribers while his other channel subscribers count go as high as 18 million. In the video, he says that “consent is super, super important” and he is removing some of his old videos which he thinks do not represent who he is anymore.