‘Dateline NBC’: Who killed Cassie Jo Stoddart? Keith Morrison delves deeper into harrowing murder of the 16-year-old

POCATELO, IDAHO: This Sunday, February 18, 2024, at 8 PM ET, 'Dateline NBC' will air an episode titled 'The Secret in Black Rock Canyon,' recounting the chilling murder of Cassie Jo Stoddart by her classmates. The episode explores the haunting case, delving into the impact of media and emphasizing the importance of vigilance in recognizing concerning behaviors.
At 16 years old, while house-sitting in a remote area of Bannock County, Idaho, Cassie Jo Stoddart became the victim in a real-life horror story. NBC's Dateline takes viewers through the harrowing journey to justice in an episode titled 'The Secret in Black Rock Canyon,' shedding light on the tragic events and their aftermath.
The offical synopsis reads, "A series of mysterious events occur while16-year-old Cassie Jo Stoddart is housesitting, and days later, she's found stabbed to death. When police retrace her final hours, they uncover evidence including a homemade horror film that points to her killers."
Led by reporter Keith Morrison, the interview features Idaho State Police Capt. John Ganske, Idaho State Police Lt. Robert Rausch, Bob Beason and Justin Sands.
What happened to Cassie Jo Stoddart?
On September 22, 2006, 16-year-old Cassie Stoddart was dog-sitting for her relatives when two of her classmates from Pocatello High School tragically stabbed her to death. Her relatives returned home two days later, on September 24, only to discover the grim crime scene.
Cassie's death was motiveless and entirely undeserved, perpetrated by individuals she considered friends from her school. The discovery of her lifeless body was marked by a chilling 911 call on September 24, 2006. A distressed woman urgently reported to the dispatcher, "There's a girl dead on my floor," with someone in the background audibly overcome with grief.
Cassie was housesitting for her relatives who had gone on a two-day trip. During their absence, they had entrusted Cassie with the responsibility of taking care of their three cats and two dogs for the weekend. She was helping out by looking after their pets while her relatives were away.

What happened at Cassie Jo Stoddart's relative's house?
While house-sitting, Cassie was joined by her boyfriend, Matt Beckham, around 6 PM. Later, her classmates and eventual killers, Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik, disguised as friends, also joined them under the pretense of "hanging out." Cassie generously gave them a tour of the house, including the basement.
The four teens settled into the living room to watch 'Kill Bill, Volume II.' However, Adamcik and Draper abruptly left before the movie ended, claiming they wanted to watch a film at the local theater instead. Unbeknownst to Cassie, Draper had unlocked the basement door before leaving.
As Stoddart and Beckham continued watching TV, Draper and Adamcik tried to lure them into the basement with loud noises. When that tactic failed, they resorted to shutting off the power. Stoddart, feeling uneasy after the temporary outage, and Beckham, noticing the dogs' strange behavior, became concerned.
To ensure Cassie's safety, Beckham called his mother, asking if he could spend the night at the house. However, his mother declined the request and offered to bring Cassie back to their home for the night, assuring to drop her off at her aunt and uncle's house the next morning. Cassie, feeling responsible for the pets, declined this offer.
Around 10:30 pm, Matt's mother picked him up, leaving Cassie alone. Little did she know that her decision would tragically expose her to the impending danger orchestrated by her supposed friends.

How did Brain Draper and Torey Adamcik kill Cassie?
After hearing Beckham leave, Draper and Adamcik turned off the lights again, hoping Cassie would come downstairs to turn them back on. When she didn't, the boys went upstairs. Armed with weapons purchased from a pawn shop – Draper with a dagger-type weapon and Adamcik with a hunting knife – they initiated their terrifying plan.
At the top of the stairs, Draper opened and slammed a closet door to startle Cassie, who was on the couch in the living room. Failing to elicit a reaction with further door slams, they entered the living room and subjected her to a brutal attack. Cassie was stabbed around 30 times, sustaining fatal wounds all over her body, including her chest, neck, back, and abdomen.
In the days leading up to the murder, Draper and Adamcik documented their sinister plans in video recordings, revealing their fascination with horror movies. They expressed inspiration from the movie 'Scream,' which involves a masked murderer terrorizing students in their homes.
The 'Scream' movies depict a killer known as 'Ghostface,' revealing a connection between the murderer and the victims who attend the same high school, mirroring the horrifying events that unfolded in Cassie Stoddart's case.

Why did Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik kill Cassie?
During the trial, it was revealed that Brian Draper claimed inspiration from Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the perpetrators of the infamous Columbine High School massacre. Torey Adamcik, on the other hand, was said to have drawn inspiration from the 'Scream' horror film franchise. This influence led to the moniker "the scream killers."
In a video recorded on September 21, 2006, just one day before the murder, Draper and Adamcik were heard discussing Cassie as their chosen victim:
Brian Draper: "We found our victim, and, sad as it may be, she's our friend. But you know what? We all have to make sacrifices. Our first victim is going to be Cassie Stoddart. She's gonna be alone in a big, dark house out in the middle of nowhere. How perfect can you get!?"
Torey Adamcik: "I'm horny just thinking about it."
This chilling conversation captured the disturbing mindset and motive behind the planned and senseless murder of Cassie Stoddart.

How did the police find Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik guilty?
Initially, the police suspected Beckham of Cassie's murder, but the investigation, including a polygraph test, cleared him of any involvement. The focus then shifted to Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik.
Police interviewed Beckham, who shared details of the unusual events that occurred in the house that night and implicated Draper and Adamcik. The two initially claimed they had gone to a local cinema and had no knowledge of what happened to Cassie. Unable to prove their alibi and lacking recollection of the movie's plot, Draper and Adamcik's credibility crumbled. Under the pressure of questioning, they eventually confessed.
Three days later, Brian Draper led investigators to the location where they had disposed of the murder weapons and clothing. Cassie's killers were arrested on September 27, 2006, and charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit first-degree murder. During interrogations, each teen shifted blame onto the other.
Draper first denied stabbing Cassie but later admitted to it, claiming he was under commands from Adamcik. Investigators recovered a Sony VHS Tape in Black Rock Canyon, containing video footage of their plans to kill Stoddart, adding damning evidence to the case.
In the video tape whcih was played during the trials, both the killers' converstaion post Cassie's murder was recorded. “I just killed Cassie. We’ve just left her house. This is not a fucking joke," said Draper in the tape, to which Adamcik replied,“I’m shaking.” “I stabbed her in the throat. And I saw her lifeless body just… disappear. Dude, I just killed Cassie," Draper said. “Shut the fuck up, we’ve got to get our act straight," said Adamcik.

What sentence was annoucned to Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik?
Brian Draper was convicted on April 17, 2007, and Torey Adamcik on June 8, 2007. On August 21, 2007, both received mandatory life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for their first-degree murder convictions, along with thirty years-to-life for their conspiracy to commit murder convictions.
Currently, Adamcik and Draper are serving their sentences at the Idaho State Correctional Institution, located near Kuna in unincorporated Ada County, Idaho. In November 2019, Adamcik's appeal was denied by the Idaho Supreme Court, upholding his sentence.
Both killers have appealed their convictions, arguing that the imposed sentences violate laws against cruel and unusual punishment. However, these appeals have been denied, and they remain incarcerated with no possibility of parole for their roles in Cassie Stoddart's tragic murder.

'Dateline NBC' Season 32 airs new episodes every Friday at 8 pm ET on NBC, and is available for streaming on Peacock the following day.