What is Cory Booker's net worth? Multimillionaire senator made his money from stocks, book deal

Democrats and Republicans have a hard time working together in the Senate, but there are few times they have managed to come together. On August 10, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) appeared to praise Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala) for his proposal to block defunding of police. However, on close observation, you realize that Booker wasn't really praising the proposal, but rather mocking it.
The failed 2020 Presidential candidate has been making the news a lot in recent years. During the confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett, he made the news for asking Barrett if she denounced white supremacy, and frequently interrupting her. In January 2021, we reported on the rumor that he was dating film star Rosario Dawson, a rumor that has been making the waves since 2019.
Dating aside, the New Jersey Senator often keeps a lower profile than some of his colleagues. All that changed though, when he decided to run for President in 2019. The move gave us an insight into Booker like never before, including his wealth. As with other candidates, Booker was a multimillionaire at the time of the campaign, and his net worth has only climbed since.
What is Cory Booker's net worth?
As of August 10, 2021, Booker is estimated to be worth around $3m by Celebrity Net Worth. Analysis of his tax returns between 1998 and 2013 shows he earned around $4m before taxes and paid around $1,057,359 during that period in taxes. That's a massive jump up from the $1.5m he was estimated to be worth by Forbes in September 2019. If you are wondering where that massive income comes from, most of it is not from the Senate. As a US Senator, Booker earns around $152,000 per year, but that's just a part of his income.
Booker reportedly earned over $1 million in royalties from his book 'United', which he published in 2016. He has also earned well over $2m from speaking engagements over the last two decades. If that's not enough, there are also his investments to consider. In 2017, he reported $550,000 in assets, mostly from pensions and stocks. He reportedly had at least $20,000 of stock in tech companies like Netflix, Facebook, eBay, and Amazon. In July 2013, he also listed an investment in a startup called Waywire, worth between $1 million to $5 million.
When he first made his way to Washington in 2014, Booker sold all those stocks and moved the cash into checking and brokerage sweep accounts. Apart from this, his only other major asset is his Newark home, which is reportedly 2,800-square-feet. When he was Mayor of Newark, Booker purchased two homes. He bought one for $175,000 in 2009 and sold it for just $1 when he set his sights on the US Senate. The second home, on Longworth Street, was bought in 2011 for $171,000. He still calls the place home and has been residing there with his girlfriend Dawson during the pandemic.
By no stretch is he as rich as some of his colleagues in the US Senate, but he's still a multimillionaire. That doesn't mean he's lost touch with his roots. Numerous profiles and interviews often feature Booker living a more simple life on the streets of Newark. Perhaps that's why he, like many Black Americans, feels there's a strong need to defund the police. Nonetheless, Tuberville's resolution passed 99-0, with Booker's support as well.