Conor McGregor calls Logan Paul vs Floyd Mayweather fight 'embarrassing', tells boxer 'fight someone for real'

A lot of people are eagerly looking forward to the Logan Paul v Floyd Mayweather fight on June 6, but it seems like Connor McGregor won't be one of them. In an Instagram post, McGregor slammed Mayweather for accepting the fight, while calling Paul a 'kid' and the fight 'embarrassing'.
McGregor's post on May 6 attracted plenty of attention, with a few agreeing on his position, while others saw the funny side of it. It also comes days after Paul announced the fight was official. On April 28, Paul tweeted, "it’s finally official... fighting @FloydMayweather at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami on Sunday, June 6."
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it’s finally official... fighting @FloydMayweather at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami on Sunday, June 6.
— Logan Paul (@LoganPaul) April 27, 2021
While Paul seems confident of his chances, he's won zero of his two fights so far. His first amateur bout in 2018 with British boxer KSI ended in a draw. In 2019, they held a rematch that was considered a professional bout. The fight ended with a split-decision victory for KSI. With that kind of record, it seems incredible he's ready to take on Mayweather, who has an Olympic bronze medal to his name.

The fight was initially scheduled for February 20, but was postponed due to 'contract negotiations'. Those negotiations now seem to have wrapped up, with the fight expected to make a ton of money. "Me and Logan Paul can go out, entertain, have fun and make nine figures $100million or more," Mayweather told the Disruptive Entrepreneur podcast. It's clear here that money is the major driving factor, but is it really worth it?
If you ask McGregor, the answer is no. He tagged Leonard Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather promotions in his post and said, "@leonardellerbe, what the f**k is Floyd at? The kid curled up, didn’t fight back once, and Floyd is still running around acting the tough guy. The kid actually just pulled this shambles of a situation Floyd is in out of the drain for him. He should thank him. It’s embarrassing! Pro to pro it’s embarrassing. He will not scratch 10m for this fight and he knows it. It was cancelled once already. The world is watching this on Twitter. He’d fight a half decent pro and command 20m upwards, yet its this shit. Whatever way you spin this, it’s sad. Fight someone for real, on your record, or f**k off mate. Slap head!"
'He doesn’t get a say in this matter'
As news of McGregor's statement made its way to social media, he found himself in the middle of a heated debate. Some users were quick to remind him about his bar fight. One person tweeted, "Connor sucker punched a geriatric at a bar. He doesn’t get a say in this matter."
Connor sucker punched a geriatric at a bar. He doesn’t get a say in this matter
— Reggae Vybz C.E.O (@ReggaeVybzRadio) May 7, 2021
He also found some support, but it was rare. One person said, "I actually agree with him on this. I don't know why Floyd of all people is fine with giving these immature YOUTUBE fake fighters more attention just to get paid." Marital artist Dillon Danis replied to McGregor's post on Instagram and said, "they should thank you for even posting this."
I actually agree with him on this. I don't know why Floyd of all people is fine with giving these immature YOUTUBE fake fighters more attention just to get paid.
— Keith (@KCaliman2170) May 7, 2021
"Lmao. That asshole mcgregor can also shut his mouth. He got upset over someone taking a picture of him and he's gonna trash Mayweather? Again. Newsflash. Don't put your hands on someone disrespecting them. You privileged asses just don't get it," tweeted one person. Another joked, "Conor McGregor is mad he didn't make Floyd Mayweather as angry as Jake Paul Did today."
Lmao. That asshole mcgregor can also shut his mouth. He got upset over someone taking a picture of him and he's gonna trash Mayweather? Again. Newsflash. Don't put your hands on someone disrespecting them. You privileged asses just don't get it.
— Me (@becausePhilly) May 7, 2021
Conor McGregor is mad he didn't make Floyd Mayweather as angry as Jake Paul Did today.
— Cody (@Cody2290) May 7, 2021
While McGregor may disapprove, it seems like he is in the minority. Despite the obvious advantages Mayweather has, it's clear that the fight will take place, even if it is just for a few minutes (assuming Paul survives longer than that).