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What is V Stiviano's real name? 'Clipped' series only skims surface of mystery

V Stiviano changed her name few years before the Sterling scandal took over the national headlines in 2014
(Left) Ed O'Neill and Cleopatra Coleman portray Donald Sterling and V Stiviano in Hulu's 'Clipped'; V. Stiviano is seen on August 05, 2014 in LA, California. (Photo by Bauer-Griffin/GC Images)
(Left) Ed O'Neill and Cleopatra Coleman portray Donald Sterling and V Stiviano in Hulu's 'Clipped'; V. Stiviano is seen on August 05, 2014 in LA, California. (Photo by Bauer-Griffin/GC Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: V Stiviano, who was born as María Vanessa Perez, (played by Cleopatra Coleman in Hulu's 'Clipped') recorded Donald Sterling's racist comments that cost him LA Clippers and his reputation at the NBA in 2014.

The audio clip was released by TMZ, although Stivinio claims that she isn't the one who leaked the clip. Despite her arguments in the scandal, she has always remained under public scrutiny.

V Stiviano changed her name multiple times

V Stiviano worked as Donald Sterling's assistant (YouTube/@entertainmenttonight)
V Stiviano worked as Donald Sterling's assistant (YouTube/@entertainmenttonight)

According to the lawsuit filed by Shelly Sterling. Stiviano's real name is María Vanessa Perez.

As per the LA Times, Stiviano has also gone by the names of Monica Gallegos, Vanessa Perez, and Maria Valdez before finally legally changing her name to V. Stiviano in 2010.

In the tapes released by TMZ that also inspired Hulu's 'Clipped', Stiviano is seen identifying herself as black and Mexican.

Sterling says, "You’re supposed to be a delicate white or a delicate Latina girl," to which she replies, “And you’re in love with me. And I’m black and Mexican. Whether you like it or not."

She changed her name because she felt that she had not been “fully accepted" because of her race.

What was V Stiviano's relationship with Donald Sterling?

Donald Sterling and V Stiviano parted ways after the 2014 scandal (YouTube/@abcnews)
Donald Sterling and V. Stiviano parted ways after the 2014 scandal (YouTube/@abcnews)

In Hulu's 'Clipped', V Stiviano is introduced as Sterling's assistant while showcasing that they shared a bond beyond the professional requirements.

However, TMZ in its 2014 report, quoted Stiviano claiming that Sterling isn't her boyfriend and their relationship was strictly professional.

The report further mentioned Stiviano's claims of working for Sterling for 4 years as his "archivist", along with working for a LA Clippers charity.

The LA Times quoted an advertisement for a 2011 charity event that listed Stiviano as a director of the Donald Sterling Charitable Foundation, with Sterling himself serving as chairman.

Where is V Stiviano in 2024?

It's been almost a decade since the Sterling scandal shook the basketball fraternity. In a lawsuit filed by Sterling's wife, V. Stiviano had to give up her duplex and luxury cars that she received as "gifts" from Sterling.

She gave a few interviews, claiming that she didn't leak the audio and that she never had any physical relationship with Sterling.

Post scandal, V. Stiviano chose to lay low and has made very few public appearances since then. Details of her whereabouts, career, and relationship are not available in the public domain.

How to stream 'Clipped'?

Ed O'Neill and Cleopatra Coleman star in lead roles in Hulu's 'Clipped' that explores Donald Sterling and V Stiviano's relationship (Hulu/@kelseymcneal)
Ed O'Neill and Cleopatra Coleman in a still from 'Clipped' (Hulu/@kelseymcneal)

'Clipped', streaming on Hulu, explores Donald Sterling's relationship with his wife Shelly Sterling, and assistant V. Stiviano up till the notorious scandal.

The series made its debut with two episodes on June 4, 2024. Fresh episodes will be released weekly on Hulu.

'Clipped' trailer