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'Clipped' Ending Explained: What happened to V Stiviano after Donald Sterling's scandal?

'Clipped' Episode 6 depicts how the 2014 scandal impacted Donald Sterling, Shelly Sterling and V Stiviano
'Clipped' finale episode depicts V Stiviano's fate after the 2014 scandal (@hulu)
'Clipped' finale episode depicts V Stiviano's fate after the 2014 scandal (@hulu)

Contains spoilers for 'Clipped'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: FX's 'Clipped' comes to an end with Episode 6, released on July 2, 2024. The finale episode shows how things ended for everyone impacted by the scandal.

'Clipped' explores the aftermath of a leaked audio tape of Donald Sterling (played by Ed O'Neill) in 2014, leading to his lifetime ban from the NBA.

While in the previous episodes, V Stiviano (Cleopatra Coleman) and Shelly Sterling (Jacki Weaver) face the media, expressing how they feel about the entire situation, Sterling remains silent until he realises that his team is slipping away from his hands.

Episode 6 opens with Sterling appearing for his infamous interview on CBS where he is supposed to apologize for his remarks on tape but ends up making derogatory comments against Magic Johnson.

Shelly Sterling wins her legal battle against V Stiviano in 'Clipped' Episode 6

Jacki Weaver as Shelly Sterling in a still from 'Clipped' (@hulu)
Jacki Weaver as Shelly Sterling in a still from 'Clipped' (@hulu)

As anticipated, the finale episode depicts the verdict of legal battle between Shelly Sterling and V Stiviano.

Stiviano, who believes that Donald Sterling would support her in the court, is left surprised to see him turning against her. The Judge eventually gives the verdict in Shelly's favor.

Stiviano has to give up her duplex, luxury cars and every expensive thing including her Chanel earrings that she wore at the hearing.

How does the 2014 scandal end for Donald and Shelly Sterling?

Shelly and Donald Sterling's rocky marriage face new turmoils in 'Clipped' Episode 3 (@hulu)
Ed O'Neill and Jackie Weaver in a still from 'Clipped' (@hulu)

Donald Sterling initially opposes the sale of LA Clippers and even sues his wife and NBA for forcing the sale upon him. However, his diagnosis of dementia helps Shelly to go through with the sale.

Being the villain of the scandal, things end fairly well for the Sterlings.

Donald Sterling had bought Clippers for just $12.5 million in 1982 and he and his wife take home $2 billion after selling the team to former Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmar.

Nothing really changes for Donald Sterling and he continues to enjoy his life as he did before.

Shelly enjoys the 16,000% return on their investment and celebrates that she was able to close the deal despite the odds.

Even after selling Clippers, Shelly doesn't completely detach herself from the team. The part of the sales deal mentions that Shelly would have 12 tickets to every game, VIP entry, free food and free parking.

She would also receive three championship rings if the team won. Moreover, Donald and Shelly Sterling continue to own the practice space, which means they would keep earning through the rents paid by Clippers.

'Clipped' finale episode explores V Stiviano's miserable fate after the scandal

Cleopatra Coleman as V Stiviano in 'Clipped' (@hulu)
Cleopatra Coleman as V Stiviano in 'Clipped' (@hulu)

The finale episode also sheds light on how V Stiviano suffers the most due to the scandal.

After losing her duplex, she is forced to live in a shabby AirBnb with her two adopted boys.

She, who had anticipated fame after the scandal, is instead bullied by people. One of the final moments shows Stiviano getting into a physical fight with a group of men who made fun of her.

The climax shows that Stiviano goes back to work as Sterling's assistant while refusing to make any public comments from thereon.

'Clipped' is available to stream on Hulu and Disney+.