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'Chimp Crazy' Episode 1 Ending Explained: Tonia Haddix takes on PETA as she goes to extreme lengths

Tonia Haddix, the self-proclaimed 'Dolly Parton of Chimps', fights against PETA in Episode 1 of 'Chimp Crazy'
UPDATED AUG 19, 2024
Tonia Haddix stands against PETA to retain the custody of seven chimps in 'Chimp Crazy' Episode 1 (@hbo)
Tonia Haddix stands against PETA to retain the custody of seven chimps in 'Chimp Crazy' Episode 1 (@hbo)

Contains spoilers for 'Chimp Crazy'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'Chimp Crazy', a fascinating docuseries depicting the bizarre love of humans for chimpanzees, premiered on Max, on August 18. Directed by Eric Goode, the four-part series revolves around nurse-turned-animal caregiver, Tonia Haddix, and her legal battle with PETA for the custody of the chimps.

'Crazy Chimp' Episode 1 explores how Haddix started working with Connie Casey, a Missouri-based woman known for breeding chimpanzees at her enclave, Missouri Primate Foundation. When PETA came to know about the filthy conditions in which chimps were held captive, they filed a lawsuit against Casey's foundation. As she found it hard to battle PETA in court, Haddix took the seven chimps under her care.

Tonia Haddix lost legal battle against PETA in 'Chimp Crazy Episode 1

Tonia Haddix in a still from 'Chimp Crazy' Episode 1 (@hbo)
Tonia Haddix in a still from 'Chimp Crazy' Episode 1 (@hbo)

PETA's case against Tonia Haddix grew stronger when chimps fled from the cages twice, causing an atmosphere of terror on the streets. Haddix claimed that PETA hired someone to visit the property and unlock the cages.

During the case hearing in 2021, the court ordered Haddix to surrender all the chimps. These chimps were now to be transferred to an animal sanctuary in Florida where they could live in an environment that resembles their natural habitat.

What happened to Tonka in 'Chimp Crazy' Episode 1?

A still from 'Chimp Crazy' Episode 1 (@hbo)
A still from 'Chimp Crazy' Episode 1 (@hbo)

The authorities were scheduled to pick up the chimps two weeks after the court order. Haddix was heartbroken and spent her entire day with the chimps, whom she seemingly loved more than her kids.

The transfer process went smoothly, but there was a twist. Tonka, the retired Hollywood chimp was missing. While Haddix became national news, she was seen going to a casino and enjoying her day.

In the upcoming episode, viewers will find out how Haddix defied court orders to keep Tonka for herself. She was so much in love with the chimp that she wasn't yet ready to give up the fight.

'Chimp Crazy' Episode 1 is available to stream on Max.