'Chicago Fire' Season 8 Episode 2: A more relaxed episode as Firehouse 51 still reels under Otis's death

'Chicago Fire' aired the second episode of its eighth season tonight and we are introduced to a new face. Otis's absence is still felt and the episode is much lighter, which is something the viewers deserve after the heartbreaking season premiere last week.
When the episode begins, Cruz is letting go of the apartment he shared with Otis, Foster is still annoyed with the new paramedic, Collins and the group is called to an emergency where a man is tangled up in ropes and dangling high up from a building. Truck 90 has reached and Boden's people figure out how to save the man. Here, we are introduced to Alberto Rosende's Blake Gallo, a young candidate who climbs up the balconies of the building to save the guy. Boden and Cruz are not impressed, but Casey and Severide are as Gallo holds the man with his legs until Casey can get to him on the truck's ladder.

Back in Indiana, Brett and Kyle are at the supermarket when they run into an old "friend", Hope (Eloise Mumford in that return that was teased) of hers who begs for a chance to catch up. Otis's brothers get his shares of Molly's and Hermann is looking for other people to buy-in. Mouch and Cruz are not interested, so he asks Severide, but he's not interested either. Casey wants Gallo as the replacement for Otis, but Boden does not agree, saying he doesn't want a daredevil in his firehouse, saying "I just lost a firefighter, I don't want to lose another one."
Hope apologizes to Brett for what she did (trying to get Stella fired) and says she had just gotten out of an abusive relationship when she came to Chicago, she misses everyone from 51. Chloe is concerned for Cruz and talks to Mouch, but he says Cruz is dealing with it the way he can. Severide takes Kidd for a date on Boden's boat but the motor stops working and they are stranded. Severide is stubborn about fixing it himself but has to give in and call rescue but things take a bloody turn that results in a man falling into the water, right behind the motor.

Brett calls the gang when they are at Molly's, but Cruz and Foster feel uncomfortable talking to her about her life in Indiana. Casey meets with Gallo and calls Severide over to their booth at Molly's and suss him out. The two then discuss needing Gallo on the team, with Casey saying "what the kid's got, you can't teach" and they try to figure out how to convince Boden. Severide speaks to Boden, comparing Gallo to his rookie self, saying "you made me a better firefighter, you can do the same for him." Brett is generally irritated after joining Fowlerton FD, having no calls and with the department chief's lax attitude. Foster and the Collins are called into an emergency where a little girl is having trouble breathing and spreading paralysis. Collins says the girl is probably trying to get out of school but she treats the girl with an EpiPen and asks the mother if they were traveling. The mother says they were in Australia for two weeks and Foster figures out the girl has a tick, and removes it. She fires Collins later, having had enough of him, forgetting that she can't fire anyone.
Meanwhile, Hermann wants a partner at Molly's, saying "it's no fun doing it by myself." Foster and Kidd decide to go to Indiana to get Brett back to Chicago by the next shift. Brett has talked to Kyle and decides to do what makes her happy, so she agrees to go back to Chicago with Foster and Kidd. Mouch decides to buy Otis's share of Molly's after all, with Trudy's help who wants to "take Molly's to the next level" and Hermann is ecstatic. And Ritter tells Hermann he has a boyfriend, not a girlfriend -- making him the first gay main character since Leslie Shay. Gallo is asked to join Firehouse 51 and he gives a touching speech on accepting, saying "I intend to honor Otis's memory in everything I do here."
Alberto Rosende from 'Shadowhunters' debuted and it looks like he could be a good fit for Firehouse 51 as Blake Gallo and for the franchise. We have a gay character again (Emily Foster is bisexual, but has not explicitly stated it) and Brett is back. The second episode served more as a starter for the rest of the season, and we can't wait to see what comes next.
'Chicago Fire' airs on NBC on Wednesday nights.