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Steve Buscemi dresses as his own meme for Halloween, fans call it 'perfect and ideal'

On Halloween, Buscemi was seen dressed as his undercover cop meme from 30 Rock, handing out candies on his New York City block
Buscemi is best known as the man in the “How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?” meme (@JermaineWatkins/Twitter and @KeithOlbermann/Twitter)
Buscemi is best known as the man in the “How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?” meme (@JermaineWatkins/Twitter and @KeithOlbermann/Twitter)

A meme of Steve Buscemi’s inept private detective Lenny Wosniak in the “The Tuxedo Begins” 2012 episode of '30 Rock' has endured through time. On Halloween, October 31, Buscemi was seen dressed as his undercover cop meme from '30 Rock', handing out candies on his New York City block. This year's official winner of Halloween was actor and filmmaker Buscemi, which did not come as a surprise to his fans.

Buscemi has an incredible career spanning many decades, with the actor having starred in films like 'Reservoir Dogs', 'Armageddon', and 'The Big Lebowski', as well as television series like 'The Sopranos' and 'Boardwalk Empire'. The star is, however, best known as the man in the “How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?” meme, in which he is seen dressed in a red hoodie and backward baseball cap, donning a T-shirt that reads "Music Band'. The meme is directed at or is used to make fun of old people who try to look or act young. Halloween costumes are all the rage because inadvertently trends manage to make their way in to the year's spookiest night. Case in point is how there was  outrage after Brian Laundrie Halloween costume ideas surfaced online


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'Will anyone ever top this?'

Social media is overwhelmed to see Buscemi dressed as himself from the meme for this Halloween. "I need you all to know that Steve Buscemi is going out as the "Fellow Kids" meme this year and it's perfect and ideal," a Twitter user wrote. While a user said, "Steve Buscemi dressed as his own meme for Halloween, and I'm not sure anyone will ever top this", another wrote, "I’m actually watching Steve Buscemi in “Tales From The Darkside: The Movie” right now. I took a quick break to check Twitter and found out he won Halloween for dressing up as his “How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?” meme."




"The greatest irony of Steve Buscemi goes as his own "how do you do fellow kids?" meme is that by doing it he's actually engaging with the "kids" successfully and without cringe. We love it," one user said on Twitter, while another user wrote, "Twitter is so f****** wholesome on Halloween. It's all cute pets in costumes and celebrities retweeting people who dressed up as their characters - even Dee Snyder is getting in on that action. The always amazing Steve Buscemi handed out candy as his meme. #howdoyoudofellowkids". "Steve Buscemi going as the internet’s favorite Steve Buscemi meme wins Halloween so hard they should change the name to All Buscemis’ Eve. People will now carve Mr Pink o’ Lanterns. Instead of “Trick or Treat,” fellow kids will say “Define Irony," wrote one user.