Is Caitlyn Jenner heading into politics? Internet notices cozy ties with Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson

SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA: Caitlyn Jenner is "currying favor" with Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, according to sources. The former Olympian has been fawning over the Fox News stars in an effort to advance her political goals. “Caitlyn loves her job as a contributor at FOX," a source revealed, adding, “It’s given her the platform to say her spiel and she’s hoping it leads to bigger, better things!”
“It’s smart to curry favor with Sean and Tucker,” said the source, further adding, “She’s playing both sides, lavishing them with compliments, sending them gifts and planned special surprises for Christmas.” “Caitlyn really does look up to Sean and Tucker,” they said. “They’re not afraid to speak up and neither is she, which puts them in the same league, in her opinion. Her ultimate goal still lies in politics," despite the former Olympian, 73, garnering a pathetic 1 percent of votes to replace Governor Gavin Newsom in the California recall election last year, the source said, according to RadarOnline.
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“Call her crazy but Caitlyn hasn’t given up her dream,” the source said, adding, “And she’s well aware that if anyone can boost her political career, it’s these guys.”
Jenner's political views have evolved in recent years. The Olympic gold medalist first expressed her support for President Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential race. In an interview with People in 2020, she revealed her political viewpoint and how her job advocating for transgender rights influences her beliefs, providing a preview of what her gubernatorial campaign may entail.
Jenner, who ran for California governor, is well-recognized for being a Republican. At the Republican National Convention in 2016, Jenner made fun of the fact that she "received more trouble for coming out as a Republican than I did for being trans." However, she claimed to have "changed her political ideas" in 2020, the year that marked the fifth anniversary of her transformation.
Jenner told People that she's "always been more" on the "economically conservative" side. But socially, Jenner said she's "much more progressive." "I want to see the government out of my face, out of my regulations," she told PEOPLE. "I want a thriving economy so we have the money to help the people who need to be helped," she added.