'Black Lightning' Season 3 Episode 3: Jefferson's new ASA-designed suit makes him more powerful than ever before but it may have a catch

After spending the last two episodes sitting around in an ASA facility, Jefferson Pierce / Black Lightning (Cress Williams) finally joins the Markovian war in season three's episode three. The new and improved Black Lightning is more powerful than ever and has a cool new suit that's unlike anything we've seen on the show so far.
In episode three, Agent Odell (Bill Duke) informs Jefferson that Dr. Helga Jace (Jennifer Riker) is with the Markovian troops just outside the borders of Freeland.
It is also implied that the metahuman virus that has been going around in the city may have been a biological weapon designed by Jace. Meanwhile, Odell asks Jefferson to go behind enemy lines and recapture the scientist.
Of course, Jefferson is in no mood to run errands for Odell so the ASA agent gives Black Lightning a peace offering: a watch that has a lot of cool technology built into it, coded to work only for Jefferson, and equipped with a cool new suit. Oh, and it also tells the time.
"This is the reason why we have you here," Odell explains. "Why we're testing you, why we're putting you through so much pain and struggle. It's so we can create tech that will help all metas to live better."
The new suit definitely looks much cooler than the bulky armor that Jefferson used to wear and it boosts his powers to new heights we've never seen before. Odell also sweetens the deal by allowing Jefferson to go home to his daughters after completing his mission.
However, even though Odell's gifts have clearly made Jefferson stronger than ever, they could have a hidden catch. From the first two episodes, we know that Odell's real mission isn't actually to protect Freeland but to capture the city's metahumans and turn them into weapons.
Odell has already transformed Painkiller / Khalil Payne (Jordan Calloway) into his own personal killing machine using a mind-control chip and for all we know, he may secretly have done the same to Jefferson as well.
It's really only a matter of time before the alliance between the ASA and Black Lightning breaks down and when it does, Odell's so-called gift could lead to Jefferson's downfall.
'Black Lightning' Season 3 Episode 4 will air on The CW on October 28.