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'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' Episode 5 Takeaway: Marquise d'Etagnac hides truth from Frederick Trenchard

In Episode 5, tensions rise as Marquise d’Etagnac conceals secrets from Frederick Trenchard, deepening the rift between them
Marquise d’Etagnac played by Claude Perron in 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' (Robert Viglasky/Carnival Film & MGM+)
Marquise d’Etagnac played by Claude Perron in 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' (Robert Viglasky/Carnival Film & MGM+)

Spoilers for 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' Episode 5

LONDON, ENGLAND: 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' Episode 5 is now available for streaming on MGM+, delivering captivating doses of romance, friendship, passion, rivalry, and more.

'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' Episode 5 focuses on Frederick Trenchard (Benjamin Wainwright), Marquise d’Etagnac (Claude Perron), Clara Dunn (Harriet Slater) and Dr Stephen Ellerby (Edward Bluemel).

In Episode 5 of 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter,' tensions rise as Marquise d’Etagnac conceals secrets from Frederick Trenchard, deepening the rift between them.

Meanwhile, Clara Dunn and Dr Stephen Ellerby spend quality time together, hinting at a potential central theme in the upcoming episodes.

What is Marquise d'Etagnac’s silver mine scheme?

Marquise d’Etagnac (Claude Perron) in 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' (Robert Viglasky/Carnival Film & MGM+)
Marquise d’Etagnac played by Claude Perron in 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' (Robert Viglasky/Carnival Film & MGM+)

'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' Episode 5 reveals Frederick Trenchard's curiosity regarding Marquise d'Etagnac’s silver mine scheme. The episode has underscored the secrecy surrounding the scheme, raising questions about its legitimacy.

Marquise continues to keep Frederick in the dark about her silver mine scheme, prompting Frederick to reassess their friendship. Frederick grapples with the belief that he must still prove his worth as an entrepreneur to Marquise, unaware that she is dealing with different issues altogether. 

Concerned about potential complications for Frederick, Marquise hesitates to involve him in her silver mine scheme. Given Marquise's affection for Clara, it's unlikely that she would involve Frederick in a business venture that could prove either unprofitable or problematic.

Frederick Trenchard shuts himself off

Is Frederick Trenchard ready to step up and save his marriage marriage in 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter'? (MGM+)
'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' Episode 5 reveals Frederick Trenchard's curiosity regarding Marquise d'Etagnac’s silver mine scheme (MGM+)

Episode 5 of 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' unveils Frederick's immersion in his work, refusing to spend time with his wife, Clara.

Tensions escalate in the Trenchard marriage as Frederick discovers that Clara discussed the silver mine scheme with Marquise behind his back. 

Clara's discontent with her marriage leads her and seek comfort elsewhere. Dr. Stephen Ellerby becomes a source of comfort for Clara, a recurring dynamic that unfolds throughout Episode 5. 

In the final scene, Clara and Dr Stephen are seen sharing a passionate hug. Could this possibly be one of the many problems that continue to occur in Clara and Frederick’s marriage? Only time will tell.

'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' Episode 5 is now streaming on MGM+