What is triphallia? Baby born with three penises makes history as doctors claim it as first of its kind

A newborn from Iraq has made history as he came into this world with three penises. The Iraqi boy whose name has not been disclosed is reportedly a Kurd from Duhok city. As per reports, the little one came to the limelight after his parents took him to a hospital when he was just three months old due to swelling in the scrotum.
After an examination by doctors, it was found that the child had two extra penises - one 2-centimeter (0.8-inch) member budding close to the root of his primary penis, and another 1-centimeter-long schlong placed below the scrotum.
“To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case with three penises or triphallia as no similar case is present in literature in human beings. This will add to literature because this may change the classification of multiple penises and help the authors for standardizing the management planes according to individual cases,” Dr Shakir Saleem Jabali and Dr Ayad Ahmad Mohammed wrote in a study on the treble-membered baby published in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports.
The case of the baby left the doctors surprised as he had no exposure to drugs while his mother was pregnant with him, nor anyone in the family had any genetic aberrations. Since the child’s extra private parts did not include urethras — the tube that urine passes through — they were removed by the doctors. Regarding the surgical process, the doctors stated: “Surgery was performed under general anesthesia, during surgery the hydrocele sac (the patent processus vaginalis) was ligated at the inguinal canal. The two supernumerary penises were extending up to perineal region and were attached to original penis, both had corpora cavernosum and spongiosum with no urethra inside. Both supernumerary penises were excised and both corpora were sutured with a fine slowly absorbable suture material, the skin was then sutured with fine interrupted suture material. The operation was performed by a consultant urologist who is expert in the field of uro-surgery and penile reconstruction.”
The surgery went smooth without any complications and reportedly, the toddler is doing all OK after a year of the operation. “The patient was discharged with no postoperative events and follow up was done for one years with no reported adverse events. The family were advised about regular visits especially at the time of puberty and before marriage,” the study added.
Earlier in 2015, an anonymous person, who called himself “Double D**k Dude”, went viral after revealing in his memoir about his two penises. The man reportedly suffered from an extremely rare medical condition called diphallia and wrote a book titled ‘Double Header: My Life With Two Penises’, detailing his wild sexual exploits and painful medical emergencies.
“Before I was ‘Double D**k Dude,’ no one cared about what I had to say. Since then, I’ve been able to help people who felt alone or lost. I’ve gotten so many messages from people who need encouragement for one thing or another,” the person told Rolling Stone. He also spoke about his sex life, which apparently included over 1,000 men and women. The man said he did not first reveal his speciality to the person whom he met. “It really depends on the person and how long I’ve been dating them. During the time when I was all about one-night stands, I’d surprise them. The girls were always difficult. Guys were always game for action, even the guys who identified as straight. I swear if there was a way to document the interaction I’ve had with men who said they were straight, I’m sure the Kinsey Scale would explode,” he added.