Has Aruna Khilanani been fired? Calls grow loud to 'lock up' NYC psychiatrist in hospital

Twitter is still not done with NYC psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani whose "shoot whites" lecture at Yale University managed to earn massive outrage. Amid cries of "hate speech" and equal backlash towards Yale University, social media is now heavily invested in trying to get Khilanani "fired from Yale" even though she is not affiliated with the university.
But the internet hate doesn't stop at that. Just a day after Khilanani told the New York Times that words from her lecture were taken out of context to "control the narrative", her Manhattan-based private practice, which was earlier bombarded with 1-star ratings, has "permanently closed." Twitter, on the other hand, wants "pathologically racist" Khilanani put in a "looney hospital for observations" for saying she has "fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any White person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f**king favor."
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Plea for Khilanani to be 'fired from Yale'
As reported by The New York Times on Saturday, June 5, the forensic psychiatrist and psychoanalyst said in a mail that her lecture “used provocation as a tool for real engagement”. She said this about her lecture titled 'Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind' which was presented by the Yale School of Medicine’s Child Study Center as part of a faculty and affiliated-staff weekly forum called Grand Rounds that focuses on mental health.
Virtually aired on April 6, the expletive-laden talk saw Khilanani describe a “psychological dynamic that is on PTSD repeat,” where people of color explain racism to White people who deny their attacks. In some of her most explosive proclamations in the lecture, Khilanani said: "White people make my blood boil", and "White people are out of their minds and they have been for a long time." Yale has since pulled the lecture off of their official website, dubbing it "antithetical" to the university's values. But it's not just White people who expressed an issue against the notion.
One Twitter user also wrote under a recent tweet of hers: "Being racist against white people even to defend minorities in USA is NASTY and this is coming from a Latino with black & asian roots from a extremely diverse family, i found you disgusting you shouldnt even be allowed to teach in a college you should be fired from @Yale". Regardless, since Khilanani is not affiliated with them, social media's plea to Yale to fire her doesn't hold much water. But the Internet, as we said, is taking their demands a notch higher.
Being racist against white people even to defend minorities in USA is NASTY and this is coming from a Latino with black & asian roots from a extremely diverse family, i found you disgusting you shouldnt even be allowed to teach in a college you should be fired from @Yale
— Andres Osorio (@Andres_D97) June 5, 2021
Should have 'license revoked'
Twitter is filled with post against the psychiatrist, with one user tweeting: "khilanani needs to lose her license, never practice again". Experts on the platform also tweeted: "as a medical provider you need to lose your license. As a member of the human race, you should be in a psyc hospital. As a professional you need to be fired." Others claimed: "Fired, medical license revoked, FBI watch list, and not allowed to buy a gun. That is what you deserve."
As reported, Khilanani's private practice is already listed as closed, but that doesn't mean her license has been revoked. Expressing outrage against the same, one user tweeted: "I read and watched the talk you gave at Yale medical school about “the white mind”. As a nurse who works in a public hospital I am ashamed of you representing the medical community. Shame on you for your violent nature. You should have your license revoked."
Well dr Aruba khilanani sb fired and khilanani needs to lose her license, never practice again
— larry (@larry24476720) June 8, 2021
Chick, as a medical provider you need to lose your license. As a member of the human race, you should be in a psyc hospital. As a professional you need to be fired.
— OverNarratives (@ladyhoman) June 7, 2021
Fired, medical license revoked, FBI watch list, and not allowed to buy a gun. That is what you deserve.
— jennifer macaluso (@macalusojen) June 7, 2021
I read and watched the talk you gave at Yale medical school about “the white mind”. As a nurse who works in a public hospital I am ashamed of you representing the medical community. Shame on you for your violent nature. You should have your license revoked.
— Kelsey Reynolds (@KelseyR99353389) June 5, 2021
Should 'be committed to a looney hospital for observations'
Other sick trolls are now calling for Khilanani to be "hospitalized" and even "arrested". One user tweeted: "@aruna_khilanani is proof that psychiatry and @Yale are both BS!! She needs to be fired and, honestly, probably hospitalized! If you or your child went to Yale, you have NOTHING to be proud of anymore." Another chimed in, saying: "She needs to be arrested and sent to a mental hospital before she acts on her Racist wishes & kills some innocent White people!"
One user also called Khilanani "twisted" for her "shoot whites" sentiments. "You are one sick twisted person who should be stripped of your medical license and be committed to a looney hospital for observations. U know u have opened Pandora's box of hate. So many of my friends heard u with your vile tongue now u are hated by America," read one tweet. Another claimed Khilanani "should be arrested, tried, and locked in a hospital for the criminally insane for her comments to gleefully blow the heads off of anyone!"
@aruna_khilanani is proof that psychiatry and @Yale are both BS!!
— Peppy_Dallas (Parler PeppyDallas) (@Peggy__Dallas) June 8, 2021
She needs to be fired and, honestly, probably hospitalized!
If you or your child went to Yale, you have NOTHING to be proud of anymore.#LookBehindTheCurtain #Tucker
She needs to be arrested and sent to a mental hospital before she acts on her Racist wishes & kills some innocent White people!
— cowgirl 48 (@cmg_48) June 4, 2021
@aruna_khilanani You are one sick twisted person who should be stripped of your medical license and be committed to a looney hospital for observations. U know u have opened Pandora's box of hate. So many of my friends heard u with your vile tongue now u are hated by America.
— Justin Joesph (@JustinJoesph3) June 7, 2021
@aruna_khilanani should be arrested, tried, and locked in a hospital for the criminally insane for her comments to gleefully blow the heads off of anyone! #Yale @FoxNews
— John Griffin (@jhgriffin3) June 7, 2021