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Who is Aruna Khilanani? NYC psychiatrist 'fantasizes' about shooting White people 'in the head' at Yale talk

Khilanani made the racist comments during a Yale University talk when she said White people 'are out of their minds' and she'd walk away 'guiltless'
Dr Aruna Khilanani (aruna_khilanani/Instagram) with an insert of the Yale Department of Psychiatry logo (Twitter)
Dr Aruna Khilanani (aruna_khilanani/Instagram) with an insert of the Yale Department of Psychiatry logo (Twitter)

Dr Aruna Khilanani, a New York-based psychiatrist was caught making racist comments during a talk at Yale University. Titled 'the psychopathic problem of the White mind', Khilanani virtually addressed students on April 6. A recording of that talk was then sent to Bari Weiss, who published it on her Substack blog.

Universities have become hotbeds of racism of late, both against Black and White populations. But the sharp rise in anti-White rhetoric has caught some by surprise. Cornell University recently opened a rock climbing course, just for BIPOC students. In late May, Brandeis University official Kate Slater posted on Instagram - "all White people are racist." Earlier that same month, Iowa State University professor Rita Mookerjee tweeted she tries "to limit" her interactions with White people "as much as possible."  The comments by Khilanani seem to fall along the same lines, with anti-White comments being made publicly with little backlash. Instead, Khilanani has slammed Yale for not making the video of her talk public, which she claims they promised to do. 


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Who is Dr Aruna Khilanani?

Khilanani is a psychiatrist currently based in New York City. According to one bio, she has an MA. from the University of Chicago in critical theory. In 2006, she also graduated from the university's medical school and interned at the Bellevue Hospital in NYC in 2007. The Daily Mail reported that Khilanani previously taught at Cornell, Columbia, and New York universities. The board-certified psychiatrist claims to be an expert on violence and racism, racial identity, sexual identity, and prison populations.

Beyond her private practice, Khilanani is a prolific user of social media. We found a Facebook page, Instagram profile, Twitter handle, and TikTok account that she uses very frequently, mostly to post about racism. On April 28, she posted on Facebook a graphic detailing "3 tragedies that can happen if White people don't properly deal with their hate". On April 18, she uploaded a video on Instagram saying, "the biggest racists are Liberals and White Feminists." 

A quick scroll through her social media indicates a strong anti-White bias. On April 20, she tweeted, "Is everyone else holding their breath since jury deliberations began? White people have a history of never doing the right thing." She has also tweeted in the name of MaKhia Bryant, Duante Wright, George Floyd and other African-Americans killed by the police. 


Khilanani 'had fantasies' of shooting White people

On April 6, Khilanani addressed the Child Study Centre at Yale where she made her comments. She told attendees, "White people make my blood boil", and "White people are out of their minds and they have been for a long time." Perhaps her most controversial comment though, came when she said, "I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f------ favor."

A day prior, a person in the Dean's department emailed her to ask about the impact of her speech. To that, Khilanani replied, "If you obliterate the difference there's no f------ problem here so shut up, you're the real racist." Reportedly, the talk was public but the recording was never made publicly accessible, which Khilanani slammed on TikTok. "My talk at Yale Child Study Center was just released internally. Unnamed and untitled like the privilege it protects," she claimed in one video. 

According to Weiss, Yale has limited the talk's recording to only those with school ID. It was also posted with a trigger warning for "profanity and imagery for violence." The university is yet to comment on why it hasn't made Khilanani's speech public or respond to her allegations of being "suppressed".