Why Anna Nicole Smith hated hometown of Mexia: New docu uncovers truth behind tragic model's abuse 'lies'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: The Netflix documentary ‘Anna Nicole Smith: You Don’t Know Me’ is finally out and has brought to light many unseen parts of the blonde beauty's life. The documentary about the iconic Playboy model and actress premiered on May 16 on Netflix. It featured a number of tapes of the model that showed a side of her that the public was not privy to, how her journey started and ended so soon.
Smith was born and raised in Mexia, Texas, until after she got pregnant and had her son, Daniel. She always spoke about being abused as a child, and would to tell people that she was beaten and raped at home. However, the documentary and her loved one’s statements, proved she lied. The documentary provided a rare glimpse of her childhood in her hometown.
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Why did Anna Nicole Smith hate her hometown of Mexia?
Mexia is a small town outside of Houston. It had a population of 6,923 at that time. In the documentary, Smith introduces her hometown and shares a glimpse of her high school (Mexia High, home of the Blackcats). She says, “I wasn’t very popular in high school. Although I was flat-chested. But now I have curves." She showed where she worked for four years and met her first husband, Billy. The place was called Krispy Fried Chicken. She also gave people a glimpse of her home there.
In one of her interviews, Smith was asked about her life at home with her mother and father. She hesitantly said, “I switched around a lot and stayed with my aunt most of the time because of my home life. I’d really rather not talk about my home life."
Smith's family was strict and kept her on a tight leash when she was in Mexia. This led to a very restricted life in the town. What she wanted for herself, she could not have found it in Mexia. Her uncle, George, said in the documentary, “Anna always loved the attention, so she would always go out in the front yard, waving at boys and practicing cheerleading."
Smith's brother, Donald Hart, said that she was fun and always made him laugh. Her mother, Jackie, started having problems with her as a teenager. She would sneak out at night and was infatuated with a 29-year-old man. So George had her windows nailed shut so she couldn’t go out, stating, “Ours was a life of deprivation."
Why did Anna Nicole Smith leave Mexia?
When Smith met Billy, a cook at her workplace, he intrigued her. One day, she asked him to give her a ride home, and he said “No." She was the girl all the men wanted to go out with and this left her curious and stunned. She chased him until she got him and they got married.
However, Smith's marriage did not work out the way she wanted. She revealed that Billy was jealous of her and would lock her inside their home when he went to work. She was devastated and lonely, so she thought of having a child. After she gave birth to her son, Daniel, she loved him completely. She wanted a better life for herself and her son, but she knew that would never happen in Mexia.
George said, “She had big dreams. And there was nothing in Mexia that she wanted in her life," adding, “But, she couldn’t see where all of this was going.” Smith did leave Mexia with her son in the end and got the life she wanted, even though it ended prematurely.
'Anna Nicole Smith: You Don't Know Me' is available to stream on Netflix.