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'Animal Kingdom' Season 6 Episode 11: What are the Codys doing to get Pope Out?

The stage is set and the Codys are taking all the help they can to get Pope out of the prison
UPDATED AUG 15, 2022
Denis Leary (Billy) & Jake Weary (Deran) in 'Animal Kingdom' Season 6 (TNT)
Denis Leary (Billy) & Jake Weary (Deran) in 'Animal Kingdom' Season 6 (TNT)

With each passing episode, ‘Animal Kingdom’ is giving us some of the most riveting stuff on television. Last week, it was all about Pope and how he is spending his life in prison for the second time in his life. There is no doubt that the Cody Family has a lot of enemies, all thanks to Smurf. So now that Pope (Shawn Hatosy) is behind the bars, their enemies have got a chance to get back at them. We know that the Codys are planning to get the oldest member of the Cody Family out of prison and they are ready to do everything. So, what’s the plan?

The plan is simple, but they haven’t shared it until now because that would take the excitement away. But we realize that this is the endgame and we might have some casualties as well. Every member of the Cody Family is trying to do things that could help in making the process easy. So, Deran(Jake Weary) calls his father Billy (Denis Leary) to do a job for him. Billy meets him in a restaurant and like always he is in the mood for some fun. However, Deran was there strictly to talk about the job and only did that. He just wanted to know if Billy has some contacts inside the jail that Pope is in. Billy spent some time there and made some friends there.


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Shawn Hatosy as Andrew
Shawn Hatosy as Andrew "Pope" Cody in 'Animal Kingdom' Season 6 (TNT)

Billy confirms that he does have some people there and he can get whatever he wants to. Deran asks him to get the blueprint of the prison and some prison records. Although Billy asks him why all this, Deran refuses to tell him and leaves. However, a few moments later, he does tell him the truth and says that Pope is inside the jail and they need to get him out. Billy is shocked to learn this and tells his son to let it be. He doesn’t have to do anything and Pope being behind the bars is a good thing for society and asked him to “wake up”.

Deran refuses to listen to him and asks him if his source can tell him anything. He finally gives in and gives him the number of his guy. Billy looks really worried for his son and even Deran seems to be feeling the same for his father.

Denis Leary as Billy in 'Animal Kingdom' Season 6 (TNT)
Denis Leary as Billy in 'Animal Kingdom' Season 6 (TNT)

Meanwhile, Josh has planned everything. Everything they have will be sold and when they did the final calculations, they’ll get $5.4 million for all of that. Each member will be getting $1.3 million and they can go anywhere they want to start a new life. This means, it is the end of the beginning for the Cody Family and some of them might not come back alive.

Also, it seems J is separately working on something else. If you remember, J told Smurf that he will take away everything from her. Well, this might be just that. Well, this is just a guess and a very valid one.

'Animal Kingdom' Season 6 returns to TNT with a new episode every Sunday at 9 pm EST.