Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard: Actress's personal nurse testifies she was deeply jealous

Erin Falati, also known as Erin Boerum, Amber Heard's former personal nurse, testified Tuesday, May 3, as Johnny Depp's side rested its case. Falati testified in court through video deposition and went over her notes on her handling of Heard, beginning with their first meeting in August 2014, under questioning from one of Depp's lawyers.
Heard "reports a history of substance abuse, including a cocaine and liquor addiction," according to the notes. The notes show that "Heard does not smoke but reports drinking 1-3 glasses of red wine a day." According to the notes, "Familial history of substance abuse, both mother and father have abused and become dependent on stimulants. Client admits to a history of anxiety, eating disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, bipolar disorder, codependence issues and occasional insomnia. Client identifies as bisexual, and was married to a female partner prior to current relationship."
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Heard had been "experiencing increased agitation recently and has had several outbursts of anger and rage. Her mood has been labile," the note continued. "Emotional lability is when emotions spin on a pendulum, you see someone sad and quickly transition to extreme happiness, it's like a pendulum," Falati explained.
Falati said in court that she remembered Heard acting in this manner when she was treating her. She said in another statement from the notes: "Client expressed concern to husband and Dr Kipper (Depp's personal doctor) she is nervous about being alone while husband is working (on movie set in London) and expressed she has difficulty dealing with feelings of insecurity and jealousy when not in presence of her husband."
In a note dated August 29, 2014, Falati stated that Heard expressed her 'confusion' over dinner because she believed Depp wanted her to 'eliminate her acting career' and stay at home. Falati was asked if she ever had the feeling Depp wanted Heard to cease acting, and she said: "I don't recall that being a sentiment."
Heard stated "difficulty with jealously issues and anxiety around fiance's fame and ability to interact with females often," according to Falati's medical records from September 2, 2014. Falati testified in court that she had experienced a "general sense of jealousy and anxiety issues" throughout the years.
Heard grew 'frustrated' over a miscommunication, according to Falati's medical notes dated September 4, 2014. Heard gently repeated herself, prompting Falati to consider her 'change in coping mechanism,' as Heard's past coping skills included 'anger and yelling.'
Heard was "concerned about ability to trust fiancée following argument" two days previously, according to a note written by Falati on March 25, 2015. Falati testified in court that she had a "generalized memory" of jealousy and anxiety difficulties in the relationship, as well as mistrust.
Falati claimed she didn't recall Heard thinking Depp was 'cheating on her,' but she did recall a general sense of jealousy when asked if she remembered Heard thinking Depp was 'cheating on her.' Falati's thoughts about Heard in her Los Angeles penthouse following a fight with Depp were published in another note dated December 17, 2015. Heard 'had visible bright red blood appearing at the center of lower lip' and it was 'actively bleeding,' according to the notes.
According to the hospital records, "Heard stated it was from injury sustained in an argument between her and her husband. States her head is bruised and she has lost clumps of hair in the altercation." On April 21, 2016, Falati joined Heard's 30th birthday party at the penthouse, where Heard became enraged because Depp was late.
"Heard appears to laugh and smile when talking to friends but mood turns depressed and affects flat when she is alone or talking with friend Rocky. Heard said: 'I can't believe (Depp) isn't here yet. He keeps saying he is on his way but he still hasn't shown up,'" the notes describing the evening stated. Depp arrived at 10.15 pm after attending a two-hour crunch meeting with his accountants. Heard celebrated her birthday the next day by attending the Coachella music festival with her friends.
Falati wrote about seeing Heard at her house in a message dated May 11, 2016. The note read: "Client admits to illicit drug use, and states she ingested mushrooms and MDMA simultaneously and vomited and was 'high for at least 24 hours straight.' (Falati) reminded the client that illicit drug use will not be tolerated by medical staff and that any medications or drugs that are not prescribed can cause adverse effects with her prescribed medication. Client laughed and also reported using illicit drugs (mushrooms and MDMA) on March 9 at home with a high-profile male acquaintance. Client reported that her husband was not aware of the male visitor, not her illicit drug use."
Falati admitted that she and Heard had discussed her substance abuse when they first met. Healthcare practitioners may use and disclose private information without a person's permission if the use is necessary by law, such as a court order, according to HIPAA's privacy standards.