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All the 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 characters ranked, and why Andre Layton isn't #1

As 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 gives a satisfying conclusion to all its protagonists and villains, here are our favorite characters as the show wraps up
Jennifer Connelly and Daveed Diggs starrer 'Snowpiercer' concludes with Season 4 (@amc+)
Jennifer Connelly and Daveed Diggs starrer 'Snowpiercer' concludes with Season 4 (@amc+)

Contains major spoilers for 'Snowpiercer' Season 4

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'Snowpiercer' enjoyed a successful run on TNT for three seasons followed by Season 4's premiere on AMC+ in July 2024. Based on the 2013 film of the same name, the post-apocalypse show brought together an exciting cast including Jennifer Connelly, Daveed Diggs, and Sean Bean among others.

The show revolves around the last survivors of Earth living on a perpetually moving, high-tech train after a compound meant to reverse the global warming caused the planet to freeze. While their biggest battle remains against the cold temperature, the passengers on board are caught up in a revolutionary struggle due to the class divide and unbalanced allocation of limited resources. In this dystopian world, no character is without flaws as each has committed irreversible, often heinous acts that shape their moral complexities. As the show concludes its run with Season 4, let's take a pause and look back at all the important characters, good and bad, who made the worth our time.

7. Alex Cavill

Rowan Blanchard in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 (@amc+)
Rowan Blanchard in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 (@amc+)

Alex Cavill, played by Rowan Blanchard, is the smartest character on the show. She is headstrong and resourceful, just like her mother. For much of her life, she resented Melanie for leaving her to die during the freeze. She treated Joseph Wilford like a father-figure, who not only saved her but also trained her to be a smart engineer.

She seems to have a cold demeanor with lack of ability to develop deep bonds, but we can't blame her. Joseph raised her to be a cold person, filling her mind with negative thoughts about her mother. As a viewer, it takes time to warm up to Alex, but Season 4 finally brings her into the spotlight as she makes some smart decisions in the absence of Wilford, and making a big contribution in saving the planet.

6. Joseph Willford

Sean Bean as Joseph Wilford in 'Snowpiercer' (@amc+)
Sean Bean as Joseph Wilford in 'Snowpiercer' (@amc+)

Joseph Wilford (Sean Bean) was a mysterious character in Season 1. However, his name was enough to maintain the law and order on the train, even when he wasn't physically present on Snowpiercer. Season 2 finally put a name to the face and to everyone's surprise, he wasn't the man who deserved to be praised.

Wilford turned out to be as a power-hungry maniac. He is ruthless and delusional, who wants everyone to operate upon his command. He made a perfect villain for the show, as his charisma and unbeatable trait of manipulation, created havoc throughout the show. Even when he was deboarded in Season 3's finale, he continued to make Andre and Melanie's life miserable in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 by joining hands with Admiral Milius.

5. Ben

Iddo Goldberg in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 (@amc+)
Iddo Goldberg in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 (@amc+)

Ben (Iddo Goldberg) is one of the original Engineers who helped design the train. He also plays Melanie Cavill's love interest. Ben is excellent at his job and isn't afraid to stand for the right, providing a sense of balance amid the never-ending chaos on the train. In a previous season, he even goes against Melanie as he sides with Andre. Fortunately, when Melanie and Andre come to a peaceful resolution, Ben reunites with Melanie.

His character outshines in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 as he makes the ultimate sacrifice to help Ruth take Big Alice to New Eden. When the show's protagonist, Andre, fails to make the right choices, Ben emerges as the savior. His death is undoubtedly the most emotional moment of the entire show.

4. Andre Layton

Daveed Diggs in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 (@amc+)
Daveed Diggs in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 (@amc+)

Andre Layton, played by Daveed Diggs, is the face of resistance. In Season 1, he emerged as the leader of Talies. He led several battles on the train to fight for the right. He established equality on the train but continued to face hurdles one after the other. Andre could have been our favourite character after Melanie if Season 4 hadn’t complicated his arc.

He was the flag bearer of democracy in this post-apocalypse world, never hesitating to put himself in risky situations for the sake of the greater good. However, when his daughter is kidnapped in Season 4, he wanted to steal the train, without thinking the fate of New Eden residents. Lucky for him, Ruth stepped in and the residents eventually voted in favor of Andre.

Though Diggs aptly portrayed the restlessness of a father desperate to save his child, his selfishness to save Liana by putting hundreds of others in danger, came out as an annoying trait for a protagonist. The show ultimately redeemed towards the end by putting Andre back on the mission to save humanity.

3. Dr Nima Rousseau

Michael Aronov in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 (@amc+)
Michael Aronov in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 (@amc+)

Dr Nima, played by Michael Aronov, is a character introduced in 'Snowpierer' Season 4. He is a chemist working under the command of Admiral Milius. His mission is to launch Gemini, a compound that could reverse the freeze.

Nima is a well-developed character who ultimately emerges as the show's main villain. He is the one who created Cw7 and caused the freeze in the first place. Unlike other villains of the show, he isn't power hungry. Instead, he turns out to be the deadliest of all as his mind is his biggest weapon, endangering the lives of others and his too. He is so full of pride and arrogance that he can't acknowledge the faults in his science experiments and discoveries.

While the show delivered a dissatisfying end to Joseph Wilford and Admiral Milius (Clark Gregg), it provides a fitting conclusion for Nima. In the finale episode, he freezes to death as he watches Gemini launching in the air. Deep down, he knew that Gemini could become another failed experiment, and he couldn’t bear the thought of living with that shame and regret.

2. Ruth Wardell

Alison Wright as Ruth Wardell in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 (@amc+)
Alison Wright as Ruth Wardell in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 (@amc+)

Despite being a supporting cast member, Ruth Wardell (Alison Wright) remains our favorite over Andre Layton. She plays by the book and favors the order and rules no matter who's in charge. We felt for her when she first learnt about Cavill's betrayal in Season 1.

Ruth is a born leader, who, despite all the challenges, holds everything together. She repeatedly mentions that she is loyal to the train and it feels satisfying to watch her stick to her words till the very end. In Season 4, when Andre is ready to risk everything to save Liana, it is Ruth who stands up against him and ensures that New Eden residents don't suffer due to his stubbornness. In the end, she emerges as the leader of New Eden, and we couldn’t be happier for her.

1. Melanie Cavill

Jennifer Connelly in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 (@amc+)
Jennifer Connelly in 'Snowpiercer' Season 4 (@amc+)

Being the lead protagonist of the show, Melanie Cavill (Jennifer Connelly) is absent for most part of the show. However, despite her limited presence, she remains the heart and soul of this post-apocalypse drama. Season 1 introduced her as a mysterious character with her character weighing more towards being the 'bad guy'. However, as the show progressed, we began to learn the reasoning behind her actions.

Melanie isn't your ideal protagonist. She has made mistakes, ones that she regrets for years. She left her daughter behind during the freeze, she stole the train from Joseph Wilford, lied to all the passengers about Wilford and even maintained the class divide on the train for years. But beneath all this, she is a good person at heart who repeatedly makes the biggest sacrifices to save humanity.

Throughout the four seasons, she has always prioritized saving the humanity over her personal desires. She is ready to accept her mistakes and that's why she gives up her engine to Andre Layton in previous season. In 'Snowpiercer' Season 4, she rectifies the one big mistake that she regretted for years—leaving her daughter behind. The show gives a satisfying conclusion to her relationship with Alex.

'Snowpiercer' Season 4 is available to stream on AMC+