'7 Little Johnstons': Why did Elizabeth Johnston break down during a driving lesson with Trent in the past?

Trent and Amber Johnston's biological daughter Elizabeth is 19-years-old and ready to drive her own car. A lack of driving skills has been a concern for her and she had been vocal about it on one of the episodes of Season 8 that is currently airing. Her elder siblings Jonah and Anna know how to drive and do own their personal cars. Elizabeth has longed for a car for quite some time but Amber and Trent haven't yet fulfilled her dream of owning one yet. One of the reasons for this has been the fact that they believe Elizabeth and driving don't go hand in hand. It has been proved on a number of occasions before, including an incident that was also filmed on camera which later aired in an episode a couple of weeks ago.
It was when Elizabeth and her friends Dacey and Carol hopped on a go-kart and while taking a lap near their house, the wheels came flying off. No one was injured but it was still a scary incident and Elizabeth had to call Trent to come to the site where the accident happened. She feared that her dad would be very upset and anticipated an earful but none of it happened and he assured her that she was not at fault. However, this was not the case a couple of seasons ago when Trent had taken the onus to teach Elizabeth how to drive.

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What happened when Trent Johnston tried to teach Elizabeth to drive in the past?
The tension between Elizabeth and Trent continued to rise dangerously as she tried to take a driving lesson from him. Right from getting angry at her for putting the car in reverse when she was supposed to get the car moving forward to yelling at her when she didn't check the sides of the road for clearance before making a turn, Trent's angry dad personality came off way too strong. It got to a point where Elizabeth broke down in tears. The lesson was cut short and Elizabeth was back home but she couldn't get the experience out of her head.
Trent sat her down and told her that she needed to put her big girl pants on and take criticism and instructions sometimes and she ended up being all the more hurt.
Will Elizabeth Johnston turn to Trent once again to learn driving?
The trailer for the upcoming episode reveals that Elizabeth has to start work at a new place in a couple of days and she had decided to get a car for herself to make the commute easier. She texts her father about a car she saw and he responds saying that she needs to learn how to drive before buying one. Elizabeth also misunderstands him for a moment and asks if she should buy a car with her own money but Trent reassures her that he and Amber will buy a car for her just like they did for Jonah and Anna.

Till the right time doesn't arrive, he promised to figure out a way to get her to work. Judging by the trailer, it appears that Elizabeth might once again trust Trent to teach her to drive. Will this lead to a new fight between them or will it be a smooth sailing experience? We will have to wait till the episode airs to find out.
Catch new episodes of '7 Little Johnstons' every Tuesday at 8 pm ET on TLC.