'CALM': Luke Hemmings of 5 Seconds of Summer is the 'diva' while Calum Hood is the funny one reveals new fan Q&A

In celebration of their latest release 'CALM' the members of Australian boyband 5 Seconds of Summer hopped on the band's Twitter account to answer some fan questions.
The account was bombarded with questions right from the beginning, but somehow, the band managed to keep up! One bemused fan asked, "how are heck are you keeping up with all these questions?" to which member Luke Hemmings responded, "Australians are geniuses"
Given the whole band and their team use the account, some fans wondered "how many times have you all forgotten the band account password?" member Michael Clifford said, "I don’t even have the password anymore I think I’m logged in from like a year ago so please no one change it," and you can't help but find this entirely relatable.
We got some insider info from the boys as they weather this quarantine, mostly about their food choices as fans asked "Favorite quarantine snack?" Michael said "animal cookies cause Calum gave me 2 boxes." They very quickly veered into some dangerously controversial territory, however, when one fan asked "What's your favourite pizza topping?" and Michael responded "pineapple, change my mind" drawing responses like "im unstanning," "michael no," and "Disgrace." They probably didn't change his mind, but they clearly tried.
But it so happens Michael isn't the only one with a controversial food opinion. When asked, "vegemite or nutella", Calum chose "VEGEMITE" prompting responses like "dear god" and "delete"

If top-class comedy is the criteria for best fandom, then the 5SOS fans clearly win the game, especially with this question, "On a scale from 1-10, which colour has the best flavour?" which stumped even the band, as Michael responded "this question is too hard"
But jokes aside, it turns out there is one thing the entire fandom and the band members all see eye-to-eye on, "Can we all agree on that calum is the funniest member?" the band unanimously agreed, stating "Yes. Yes we can. - luke, Michael and Ashton." Some were suspicious, however, stating "we know this was calum," leaving us all to wonder what the truth really is.
Perhaps the answer lies in a following tweet. When asked "what is the last thing you would want to name your child," Michael said "Calum" to which a fan was quick to respond saying, "HE SENT U ANIMAL CRACKERS PUT SOME RESPECT ON HIS NAME"
Aside from crackers and roasts, fans couldn't help but notice that member Ashton Irwin was visibly absent for most of the Q&A session. He did take a moment before the session began to express how grateful he was for their support, tweeting "So much love being expressed for our new album. So much positivity being projected. You’re all precious, thanks for listening to CALM. I hope it’s a record you love for a long time." Irwin recently worried fans when he revealed he had begun showing some early symptoms of the coronavirus and has since been resting up.

Many fans wanted to know more about how the album came together. One asked, "What song took the longest to make?" and Calum responded, "Any song luke was involved with because he is a diva." Fans also asked, "what is your favorite CALM lyrics ??" as well as "what song of CALM is the one that you are most excited to play in a concert?" and Calum picked 'Best Years' for both.
One fan wanted to know, "What song from CALM do you believe best represents the album as a whole?" Luke said, "No shame." Given that this album is meant to represent their journey since their debut and their growth over the years, this response is certainly heartwarming and says a lot about who they have become.
The band also gave some behind-the-scenes info on what it's like to be on tour, as well as what fans can expect from their upcoming shows. One fan asked, "who’s the hardest to live with on tour" and Luke responded, "Myself." We quickly found ourselves back in food territory when another fan asked, "what's ur favorite snack to eat on tour?" and Michael said "we eat a f*ck ton of rice cakes for some reason lol"
When a fan wanted to know if 5SOS "can you learn tiktok dances for tour ?" Michael responded with a decisive "nope" making it clear that that was definitely off the table.
As we all enjoy a bit of 'CALM' and await the tour, the band also gave us glimpses of what we can expect from them in the not-so-distant future. A fan queried, "a dream collaboration? it can be on a feat or just produce together" and Calum responded "So many! Ian Kirkpatrick one of my favourite producers right now!"
Kirkpatrick is a Grammy-winning producer who most recently worked on Dua Lipa's 'Future Nostalgia', Kelsea Ballerini's 'Kelsea', and Selena Gomez's 'Rare'. A 5SOS-Kirkpatrick collaboration would certainly make for an instant hit!