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'The Boys' Season 4: Is Ryan evil? Tears and guilt may mask a true son of Homelander

Ryan’s ultimate path will depend on which influence prevails and how he reconciles his own moral compass with the powers he possesses
Throughout 3 seasons, we've witnessed Ryan's growth amid conflicting influences from Homelander and Billy Butcher (@primevideo)
Throughout 3 seasons, we've witnessed Ryan's growth amid conflicting influences from Homelander and Billy Butcher (@primevideo)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'The Boys' recently premiered the first three episodes of Season 4 on Prime Video last Thursday, June 13. Throughout 3 seasons, we've witnessed Ryan's growth amid conflicting influences from Homelander and Billy Butcher.

Homelander, his biological father, wants Ryan to embrace his legacy as a superhero. Butcher, his stepfather, advocates for Ryan to avoid the superhero world and live freely. This tug-of-war raises questions about Ryan's future path.

There have been moments hinting that Ryan might turn dark, akin to 'Brightburn', but he has also shown his humanity and emotions when it counts.

So, the key question about 'The Boys' remains: Is Ryan destined to be evil? Beneath his struggles and uncertainties, is Ryan the son Homelander always desired?

The tug-of-war between Homelander and Butcher for Ryan's soul is just too much for the kid

Homelander walks in on Butcher trying to convince Ryan to join him, eventually taking Ryan away in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Homelander walks in on Butcher trying to convince Ryan to join him, eventually taking Ryan away in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

Ryan finds himself caught between two powerful, conflicting influences. On one side, there is his biological father, Homelander. Homelander’s desire to mold Ryan into his image is driven by his need to create a legacy.

He wants Ryan to carry forward his legacy, not out of paternal love, but from a deep-seated need for connection and control. Homelander’s own traumatic upbringing fuels this need, making his relationship with Ryan a twisted attempt at repairing his past.

Conversely, Billy Butcher, who has taken on a fatherly role for Ryan, seeks to protect him from the corrupting influence of superpowers and the violent world of superheroes. Butcher envisions a normal life for Ryan, free from the moral compromises and dangers that come with being a superhero.

He aims to steer Ryan away from Homelander’s path, wanting the boy to grow up with a sense of normalcy and freedom.

Homelander's selfish desires might influence Ryan to turn evil 

Antony Starr and Cameron Crovetti in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Antony Starr and Cameron Crovetti in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

Homelander's connection with Ryan is more about fulfilling his own needs than truly caring for his son. Observing their interactions closely reveals Homelander's selfish motives. He seeks to create a legacy through Ryan, molding him to be like himself in a controlling manner.

This stems from Homelander's own troubled upbringing, where he lacked parental care.

For Homelander, his relationship with Ryan is a chance to rectify his past and provide what he missed out on. Despite appearing like a caring parent, advising, encouraging, and setting boundaries for Ryan, Homelander's actions are largely self-serving.

He enjoys the role of a proud parent and mentor, fulfilling his own emotional needs rather than solely focusing on Ryan's well-being.

Although Homelander steps out of his comfort zone and seems to be making positive strides in parenting, the underlying motivation remains primarily about satisfying his own desires rather than genuine concern for Ryan.

This can easily influence Ryan and he can also turn into a selfish, narcissistic superhero like his father.

Ryan has shown signs of being evil since 'The Boys' Season 1 

Cameron Crovetti in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Cameron Crovetti in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

Throughout the series, there have been moments hinting at Ryan’s potential to turn dark. He possesses incredible powers, and his exposure to Homelander’s manipulative nature raises concerns.

Scenes where Ryan exhibits violent tendencies or struggles to control his abilities evoke parallels with 'Brightburn,' where a super-powered child becomes a force of destruction.

Despite these moments, Ryan has also shown his humanity. His genuine emotional responses and moral dilemmas suggest he is not a lost cause. The internal conflict he faces—whether to embrace his father’s legacy or reject it—creates a rich narrative tension.

His interactions with Butcher also provide glimpses of his potential to choose a path of goodness.

Will Ryan turn Evil in 'The Boys' Season 4?

Karl Urban and Cameron Crovetti in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Karl Urban and Cameron Crovetti in a still from 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

The future of Ryan in 'The Boys' hinges on several factors. The influences of Homelander and Butcher pull him in opposite directions. Ryan’s ultimate path will depend on which influence prevails and how he reconciles his own moral compass with the powers he possesses.

Will he succumb to the darkness, fulfilling the role of the heir to Homelander’s throne of terror? Or will he rise above his lineage, carving out a path of his own, perhaps even becoming a force for good?

The tension between these possibilities is what makes Ryan’s character arc so compelling.

As Season 4 unfolds, viewers will be keenly watching to see which path Ryan chooses. The stakes are high, not just for Ryan, but for the world around him, as the battle for his soul continues.

'The Boys' trailer


3 episodes of 'The Boys' Season 4 is available to stream on Disney+