'YOU' Season 4 Part 1 Ending Explained: Who is the 'EAT THE RICH' killer? Identity finally revealed

Spoilers for 'YOU' Season 4 Episode 5
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In the fourth episode of ‘YOU’ Season 4, Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) accepted Lady Phoebe’s invitation for a sort of weekend getaway to her old country house. Joe said yes because he knew that the killer and his stalker will be present there and there was no better opportunity to catch him. He had his suspicions about Roald after finding Kate’s photos on his camera and began to search his room. However, Roald catches him and pushes him out of the window. He believes that Joe will be dead, but he somehow survived and while heading back into the castle, he hears a loud scream coming from Kate’s room. The entire situation changes when he enters Kate’s room and sees Gemma’s body on the floor and Kate holding the knife with a lot of blood on it.
Joe is stunned and is unable to process what has happened. He can’t believe that Kate killed Gemma and might be the killer that he has been looking for. Did Kate really kill Gemma? Or someone is trying to frame her? Let’s take a look.
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‘You’ Season 4 Part 1 Ending Explained: Did Joe tell Kate the truth about Malcolm’s death?
Kate panics after seeing Joe in the room and closes the door. The look on Joe’s face makes her realize that he thinks she has killed Gemma because of her vile behavior. But it turns out that Kate didn’t kill Gemma and merely found her body in her room. Joe understands the situation and tells Kate that they should call the bodyguards sent by her father to handle the situation, but she didn’t want that. Kate then tells Joe that the situation doesn’t look good for him as well because people were pointing fingers at him during the dinner and they might believe that he has murdered Gemma.
They make the plan to toss her body into an antique piece of furniture and hide her in the game larder where the staff members break down the animals from the hunt. However, Phoebe knocks at the door and arrives in the room, but Kate is quick to escort him out by saying that she and Joe were about to f**k. Phoebe leaves with a big smile on her face. So, they take their plan forward and hit another bump when Gemma’s body falls down on the floor while trying to pick up the piece of furniture.

Joe thinks of another idea and wraps her body in a piece of clothing and throws her body out of the window. No one got to know about it because the body fell into the bushes. They take the body to the game larder and Joe is giving the final touches to their plan when Kate puts the knife on Joe’s neck because she feels things like these can only be known by a professional career. But Joe makes her understand that someone is trying to frame her exactly the way he is being framed for Malcolm’s murder. He tells her everything that he saw that day when Malcolm was lying on his dining table. He even opens up about his past in brief and how he was stuck with a woman who did very bad things.
Kate believes his story and understands that he was just trying to protect her.
‘You’ Season 4 Part 1 Ending Explained: Did Roald find Joe hiding Gemma’s body?
Kate arrives in her room and sees Phoebe sitting there. So, she tells her everything that happened, but they didn’t know that Roald was also listening to their conversation by standing on the other side of the door. After hearing the conversation, Roald went straight to the game larder and caught Joe hiding Gemma’s body. Roald tries to make such an atmosphere in front of Blessing, Sophie, Connie, and Adam in which Joe was the ‘EAT THE RICH’ killer. He tells everyone that Joe killed Malcolm in cold blood, to which, Joe replies that he passed out after his first night at the Sundry House and doesn’t know what Roald is talking about.

Roald also tries to play the emotional card and tell Sophie that Joe killed Simon too. Things get heated up and Roald wants to kill Joe like he kills birds while hunting. Joe tells everyone to be reasonable about all this and asks Adam to talk to Phoebe about this. Adam gets angry and attacks Joe, but Joe knocks him down in one punch and runs away. Roald runs behind him and tries to catch him.
Meanwhile, Kate and Phoebe arrive and get to know what happened there. Kate ran behind Roald and Joe in order to save them.
‘You’ Season 4 Part 1 Ending Explained: The identity of the ‘EAT THE RICH’ killer revealed
Joe is hiding behind a tree when Roald arrives there and labels Joe as a peasant. Joe has had enough of Roald and attacks him from behind and knocks him down by smashing his head on the ground. Luckily, Roald didn’t die. But things get wild when Joe sees Rhys arriving to the scene and he couldn’t understand what he was doing there. Rhys smashes Joe with the back of the rifle and when he opens his eyes, he finds him and Roald chained to the walls inside what looks like a dungeon.
The cat’s out of the bag and the ‘EAT THE RICH’ killer is none other than Rhys Montrose, the man who wants to run for the position of Mayor of London. Rhys tells Joe he wasn’t ready for this kind of face-to-face yet, but he had to take things into his hand because Joe was about to get killed. Now, Rhys’s plan is pretty simple. Joe has to kill Roald and they will put the blame for all the murder on Roald. It’s the best choice for them because they are framing a dead person who can’t even prove their innocence. Joe asks Rhys if anyone would believe that Roald is the killer, to which, Rhys replies that everyone would believe that he’s a neo-fascist with a knife collection. So, Joe plays a trick and says he is ready to do it but strangling or smashing Roald’s head wouldn’t look like suicide. Rhys says that he’ll handle that part and leaves.
However, Joe doesn’t really try killing him, he just tries to get away from the dungeon. After some failed tries, he quits but Rhys sees that and says that he wanted to work with him, but it seems it’s time for Joe and Roald to die. So, he lights up the dungeon and leaves from there. Joe tries to get out of these chains and save himself. Roald also gets up and panics after seeing the situation. Joe manages to free himself from the chains and helps Roald as well. They scream their lungs out of the small window-like structure and fortunately, Kate arrives at the right time and saves both of them.
They all return to London where Rhys announces the candidacy for London’s Mayor.
Things are getting interesting now and now Joe knows who to track and who to stop, but Rhys is very clever and knows how to play this game. It’ll be interesting to see how things work out when Part 2 of Season 4 arrives in March 2023.