'Yellowstone' season 2 episode 8 preview: With the war on in full swing, the Duttons kick off their plans to take revenge on the Beck brothers

The Beck brothers have started something they wish they hadn't by the time all this ends.
Last week's episode 'Resurrection Day' was a rollercoaster, to say the least. After a quick meeting to instill Beth (played by Kelly Reilly) with fear, Malcolm Beck (Neal McDonough) unleashes his hounds on her. At first, we thought the meeting is more a power play than a threat, but we didn't know the Beck brothers as we do now. 'Resurrection Day', episode seven of season two, revealed that the Big Bad will stop for nothing when he wants to get what he wants.
'Resurrection Day', however, ends with a promise that the Duttons are starting their quest to keep what is theirs.
In this aftermath of Beth's trauma, the Duttons promise revenge. In episode eight 'Behind Us Only Grey', John (Kevin Costner) and Kayce (Luke Grimes) might be shaken but they are still brimming with anger. The characters nurse an open wound – especially Beth – and revenge seems like the only medicine.
Hence, John calls a meeting on the Dutton Ranch with Chief Rainwater (played by Gil Birmingham) and Dan Jenkins (played by Danny Huston) to discuss how to handle the Beck brothers. The enemies of almost a lifetime join forces against the common enemy – the Beck brothers.

When Malcolm Beck was introduced to us as the main antagonist for season two, we had a feeling that the Duttons will join forces with their enemies. With Costner's John, the Beck brothers made it personal by brutally attacking his daughter. Chief Rainwater says the brothers did something similar to him. Meanwhile, Huston's Dan's liquor licence was cancelled and he was put out of business by the brothers.
At the ranch meeting, John pointed out that the war is different. The trio has been fighting on and off with one another but never were they attacked or affected on "behalf of the other", as John Dutton points out. It is also considerably foolproof that Dan, Rainwater, and John are going to work together without trying to cross one another – they pretty much put it on record that they want the Beck brothers dead. While Chief Rainwater said he wouldn't be breaking any rules since it won't look good on his community, he promises that things lost of the reservation are never found.
In a way, the Beck brothers have called it upon themselves. They should have known that their individual attacks on the trio would be enough to consolidate them against the brothers. Or is that their plan all along?
The episode ends with Malcolm Beck planning his move based on who John Dutton loves the most. 'Yellowstone' airs on Wednesdays at 10 pm PT/ET.