‘XO, Kitty’ Episode 10 Review: An end of an era as Kitty Song Covey gets expelled from KISS in Netflix’s series finale

Spoilers for ‘XO, Kitty’ Episode 10
LOS ANGELES, CALIFONIA: Netflix’s spin-off series of the popular movie series ‘To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before’ has finally concluded with ten episodes.‘XO, Kitty’ Episode 10 was a lot different than one would have expected, despite the few clichés sprinkled across the episode. However, the shocker of this episode was the professors finding out that Kitty Song Covey had been living in the boys’ dorm all along. It’s surprising it took them all these episodes to find out.
‘XO, Kitty’ Episode 10 was the time when Kitty realizes that rules in Korean schools are a lot more strict than in American schools. However, it might have been time for her to say goodbye anyway, after all that drama, Kitty could use the time away. But, does Kitty really get expelled for good in this Netflix series?
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Zero tolerance policy at KISS!
‘XO, Kitty’ Episode 10 was a mixed bag of emotions, but when Kitty passed all her exams, everyone was thrilled especially Kitty herself. This meant that she could stay in Korea for another semester, close to all her friends that she had cherished in the last couple of months. However, luck had something else in store for her. As an excited Kitty presents herself in pajamas in the boys’ dorm to check her results, she is caught by Professor Lee, who is quick to report her. While Kitty tries her best to defend herself, it simply isn’t enough.
With Kitty’s scholarship, this was a big rule break and resulted in her getting expelled. The next sequence of scenes is some of the most emotional ones of ‘XO, Kitty’ so far. From her packing her bags to saying her (some) of her goodbyes, and finally having a small conversation with Principal Jina, it was all quite wholesome for the viewers. At the end of the day. even though Kitty was here for Dae-heon Kim, the bigger picture was learning more about her mother, which she succeeded in.
Could Kitty ever return to KISS?
Now this is the biggest question and Netflix will have to help us out. If they renew ‘XO, Kitty’ for another season, chances are, Kitty will be back in Korea and KISS. Although Yuri and Kitty didn’t get the goodbye they needed, Yuri put in a word for Kitty with her mother, Principal Jina. Kitty’s future in Korea is an open-ended question mark, but considering how much-unresolved business she has, we do hope her expulsion is revoked!
You can stream all episodes of ‘XO, Kitty’ on Netflix from May 18, 2023