'Work In Progress' Episode 7: Will Abby try to sort her misgivings with Melanie as she looks into her past?

It is now loud and clear. Despite all her trials and tribulations, Abby has not managed to get over her symptoms of OCD or anxiety. She keeps exhibiting small instances of insecurity and anxiety every now and then.
And one such instance turned everything around for her. As we saw in Episode 7, she finally told Chris that she found out about his "dead name" and that deeply hurt Chris. He felt that Abby broke his trust by crossing the line — the only one he drew for her.
After Chris takes off, Abby is left behind wondering what she should do next. She feels that she is so messed up in her head that no matter what she does, nothing seems to fall into place and she invariably ends up making a mistake or hurting people.
It had become more of a vicious cycle for Abby. She tries to keep all the truth about her from people she loves and cares about thinking that reality could hurt them. But then, when the truth comes out, it hurts them more.
Years ago, when Abby was with Melanie, she never disclosed to her girlfriend about her severe anxiety disorder and the strong desire to write everything down, even if it meant piling up journal after journal throughout her lifetime.
When Melanie discovers it, she feels Abby is severely unwell. Not being able to deal with how Abby handles herself, she walks out of the relationship. This breaks Abby to the point that she stops herself from dating or even getting close to anyone.
But after she meets Chris and develops a warmer and different relationship, she tries to do right by herself and her partner by sharing the deepest, darkest secrets about her with him. However, that doesn’t last too long and she makes a similar mistake.
However, when all is said and done between her and Chris, and she is left alone to mull over the situation, she takes an unexpected step. Abby reaches out to Melanie, her ex-girlfriend, who not only broke her heart but also her confidence, increasing her mental conditions all the more.
Now, as she tries to rekindle the communication with her, we wonder if she is trying to iron out the creases of her past relationship in order to find clarity in her present one. The question that will keep nagging us until next week is will getting back in touch with Melanie have any positive outcome or will it harm Abby further?