Woman finds out she's pregnant, then docs give her HORRIFYING news

In the rarest of rare medical conditions in modern times, doctors discovered a female patient with a growing fetus inside her liver. The case came to light after the 33-year-old patient came to the hospital after experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding for 14 days straight, according to pediatrician Dr Michael Narvey who shared details of the case on TikTok. "This is a first for me," he remarked while describing the case.
Speaking of rare and weird medical stories, a team of doctors reported on a man's condition that left him ejaculating and urinating from his rectum for two years after which he decided to seek help. He was then treated with surgery that helped set things right. The reason why he went through the ordeal was because of Rectourethral fistulas (RUF), discovered by doctors to have resulted from a previously botched surgery. In another incident, in a case study released last year, a 60-year-old patient experienced an erection that lasted four hours due to complications arising from Covid-19. Doctors treating him suspected that the virus may have triggered blood clots in his penis that led to this man's woes. The condition is called priapism which, if left untreated, could lead to erectile dysfunction.
'Thought I had seen it all': Dr Narvey
The patient who hails from Canada is experiencing what they call an ectopic pregnancy, where a fertilized egg becomes implanted in the fallopian tube, instead of the uterus itself, according to the Mayo Clinic. But for an egg to latch on to the liver is unheard of, thus making this an extraordinary case of ectopic fertilization. These kinds of pregnancies are not unheard of, and one in fifty pregnancies in the United States are ectopic, states a Daily Mail article citing a Verywell report.
"I thought I had seen it all," Dr Narvey said, describing the case in the TikTok video. "A 33-year-old woman comes in with a 14-day history of menstrual bleeding and 49 days since her last menstrual period," he continued. "What they find in the liver is this: a baby," Narvey further added, and pointed to a sonogram of the fetus, featured in his video he created using the Green Screen filter. "She had an ectopic pregnancy in her liver. We see these sometimes in the abdomen but never in the liver. This is a first for me," he said in the video posted on his account on December 14, which has now been viewed, shared, and commented on by thousands. As for the patient, surgeons were able to save her life but not that of the growing fetus.