Woman forced to give birth on on highway as she goes into labor on way to hospital

DELFT, NETHERLAND: A pregnant woman was forced to give birth to her baby daughter on the side of a motorway as the hospital was too far away. The expecting mother and her partner were rushing to the hospital when she went into labor.
However, when the hospital turned out to be too far, the father pulled over the family car at the side of the A13 motorway near Delft where the woman gave birth to her child on Saturday, April 15. Emergency personnel rushed to the site, but paramedics didn't show up until the baby had been delivered. In a shocking video, the family's car is seen parked off on the side of the highway with the passenger-side doors open. According to Nieuws, the obstetrician had apparently been following the couple in order to be at the hospital in time for the birth.
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The mother-daughter duo is in good health
After the delivery, the baby girl was wrapped in a blanket before officials transported her from the family car to the ambulance. Her mother was seen holding a teddy bear as she was carried over to join her daughter on a stretcher. The mother-daughter duo was then rushed to the hospital where they are reported to be in good health, according to the Dutch News. NL. This incident came just days after a woman gave birth on the front seat of her family Land Cruiser on the way to the hospital.
Courtney Graham, the baby’s father, revealed that he 'hustled' his wife Wendy into their four-wheel drive and rushed her to the hospital in Perth after she went into labor in January 2023. However, in the middle of their journey to King Edward Memorial Hospital, Wendy announced, "I think the baby is coming." Graham frantically looked across and found that his newborn's head was already out and 'looking back' at him. He then cut across four lanes of traffic and parked their Toyota in the breakdown lane of the Mitchell Freeway.
'Two big pushes and she was out'
He then rushed out of the driver's seat and helped his wife deliver the baby. "I thought there is no way this is happening on the freeway. But yeah, it was just two big pushes and she was out. I just grabbed her by the neck and put her on my wife's chest and called triple zero," he told DailyMail. However, things took a scary turn as the baby started turning a deep blue color all over. "It's going blue!" Graham told the operator, who repeated back, "Turning blue?"
"Why isn't it crying?" the frightened mother asked. Later, she claimed that the paramedic calmly instructed her to clean the infant's face, which resulted in 'a splutter' and she started breathing. Graham admitted he was 's**ting himself' before his daughter started breathing. "It's an amazing story," he said. "We're just so stoked to provide our story and brighten people's day with some good news for a change."