Woke California professor scolds student, 19, for calling cops ‘heroes’ in viral video: ‘I don't trust them’

A California college student and his communications professor got into a squabble during a virtual class this week after he delivered a presentation against "cancel culture" and defending police officers calling them "heroes". The professor told 19-year-old student Braden Ellis, a business major, that police were created in the American South to track down runaway slaves and suggested that policing is essentially a form of systemic racism.
The teacher's identity is still under wraps and Ellis said he would like to maintain privacy for her even though the video of the said encounter between the two of them has gone viral. Daily Wire reported the video first which showed the professor butting in repeatedly and oftentimes speaking over Ellis as he tried to defend his point following a presentation.
The presentation was not a part of the video but Ellis's presentation said cancel culture is "destructive and tearing our country apart" during the class. Ellis mentioned 'PAW Patrol' a cartoon about search and rescue dogs aimed at children ages 2-4.
Last year in June, there was an attempt made at canceling the cartoon because one of the dogs on the kids show portrayed police in a positive manner. Production on the long-running series 'Cops' was halted for a while and A&E's 'Live PD' being canceled were some of the examples Ellis mentioned during the presentation. These mentions didn't go down well with the professor.
Another classmate chimed in during the video conference call saying that maybe the police shouldn't be labeled as heroes and "maybe they don't belong on a kids show." Ellis quickly responded, "I disagree … I think cops are heroes and they have to have a difficult job." He was interrupted by the professor who asked, "All of them?" He responded back saying that a "good majority" of police officers in his opinion are heroes.
"A lot of police officers have committed an atrocious crime and have gotten away with it and have never been convicted of any of it," the professor told Ellis further adding, "And I say [that] as a person that has family members who are police officers." Ellis admitted, "This is not popular to say, but I do support our police. And we have bad people, and the people that do bad things should be brought to justice, I agree with that."
To prove his point further, the student then asked, "Who do we call when we're in trouble and someone has a knife or a gun?" The professor quickly replied, "I wouldn't call the police." When questioned further about her stand on the police, the teacher snapped back yet again, "I don't trust them. My life's in more danger in their presence." She then said she wouldn't have a gun to defend herself and said the conversation was over.
"I was shocked to hear her comments about police, but I stood firm in my beliefs," Ellis told the Daily Wire. "We need to fight back against this liberal ideology spreading in our colleges and save America." He told another publication, "We Republicans have the policies. We need to make sure that we are standing strong, need to be tough and fight back against the liberal agenda in college, but do it with gentleness and respect."