Winter Olympics 2022: US athletes are using BURNER PHONES in China, here's why

The US Olympic and Paralympic Committee has advised athletes to discard their personal phones and use burner phones for the Winter Olympics in China. The warning was apparently sent out twice to warn them of the likelihood of being monitored online while in China. The alert adds that "every device, communication, transaction, and online activity may be monitored. Your device(s) may also be compromised with malicious software, which could negatively impact future use," according to the Wall Street Journal. Athletes from the United Kingdom, Canada, and the Netherlands have also been advised not to bring their personal gadgets.
The Committee's concerns are understandable and they are not unfounded. Earlier, China was captured illegally planting spyware on the phones of visitors entering from the Xinjiang province in 2019. The Uyghurs, a primarily Muslim ethnic group who have been imprisoned and tortured by China, live in this highly monitored neighborhood. In addition, a research organization, Citizen Lab, determined that China’s My2022 Olympic app, which all attendees are forced to install, is packed with multiple security holes that might lead to privacy breaches, spying, and hacking.
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The US Department of Homeland Security issued a similar warning for anybody traveling to China during the 2008 Summer Olympics, advising that carrying any gadgets may expose them to "unauthorized access and theft of data by criminal or foreign government elements." This time, though, things are a little different because China has barred all foreign spectators owing to fears over Covid-19. Athletes will most likely use their mobile devices to communicate with friends and family, which might be more difficult on a burner phone having data, texting, and calling constraints.
Even if the Olympic competitors wish to use their burner phones to browse the internet, they may not be able to do so without restrictions. China pledged unlimited internet access to spectators, media, and athletes during the 2008 Olympics, despite the fact that the Great Firewall of China actively censors a number of major websites in the nation, including Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, and others.
China, on the other hand, did not appear to follow through on its pledge. Journalists stated that they were still unable to access specific websites, including BBC China, a number of Hong Kong publications, and Amnesty International's website. China has stated once again that athletes and journalists would have unrestricted internet access, although it is unclear whether the government will continue to ban certain websites.