Texas widow who blamed Trump, mask deniers for husband's death due to Covid-19 now trolled over 'fake' obituary

A woman from Texas, who accused President Donald J Trump and other US leaders for her husband's death of Covid-19, is now being trolled. Stacey Nagy's obituary about her husband David, 76, became viral after she slammed Trump and stated that her partner suffered a needless death and suffered from both the disease and from being separated from his family who were not allowed to be at his bedside.
Nagy, however, has said that she has been trolled ever since the obituary was published, with many people saying that they could not find the particular funeral home where David was cremated.
The woman, in the obituary, had written: "The blame for his death and the deaths of all the other innocent people, falls on Trump, (Texas Governor Greg Abbott), and all the other politicians who did not take this pandemic seriously and were more concerned with their popularity and votes than lives."
Nagy had also lashed at people who refuse to wear a mask in their country, saying it was their "right" not to wear one. She had shared the details of the obituary on Facebook and her local newspaper, the Jefferson Jimplecute. Nagy added that David followed all the rules related to coronavirus prevention and put in the effort to reduce his chances of contracting the deadly virus. However, he succumbed to the illness on July 22.
"On 07/22/20 my dear husband died a horrible death from COVID-19. Instead of going into details, I am pasting what I sent to our tiny town’s (Jefferson, TX) newspaper as his obituary," she wrote in a post on Facebook. "David W. Nagy passed away on 07/22/20 in the ICU at Christus Good Shepherd Hospital in Longview. He suffered greatly from the ravages of the COVID-19 virus and the separation from his much-loved family who were not allowed at his bedside."
"He leaves behind his inconsolable wife Stacey, his five children Heath, Stephanie, Heather, David and Victoria, as well as numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and friends. David’s death was needless," the post added. "The blame for his death and the deaths of all the other innocent people falls on Trump, Abbott and all the other politicians who did not take this pandemic seriously and were more concerned with their popularity and votes than lives. Also to blame are the many ignorant, self-centered, and selfish people who refused to follow the advice of the medical professionals, believing their “right” not to wear a mask was more important than killing innocent people."
"Dave did everything he was supposed to do, but you did not. Shame on all of you, and may Karma find you all!" the post added.
David, who was 76, was in a high-risk group and had underlying health conditions including diabetes, heart problems, and early signs of dementia. He also had a fall earlier this year and his family had decided that it would be better for him to recuperate in a nursing home.
Nagy reportedly was only allowed to see him through a glass door to limit the risk of contracting the virus. David, however, contracted the virus in July and was diagnosed with Covid-19 and the family had to say their final goodbyes through a transparent door.