Craig Ferguson tells Alison Brie 'don't lean forward' during bizarre interview moment: "That could be ..."
Craig Ferguson, the former host of 'The Late Late Show', has had his fair share of awkward interviews, particularly with female celebrities. His interview style was often playful and flirtatious, but at times, it crossed into uncomfortable territory. Many moments from his tenure have been criticized as cringeworthy, with some viewers questioning whether his jokes and comments were appropriate. One of these strange moments came when Alison Brie, known for her roles in 'Community' and 'Mad Men', appeared on the show. During their conversation, Ferguson suddenly told Brie, "Don’t lean forward," in a way that caught both her and the audience off guard. While Ferguson often joked in a teasing manner, this particular exchange stood out as especially bizarre.
Alison Brie appeared on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson in a now-infamous interview segment that has since gone viral. As the conversation progressed, Brie was speaking about her show 'Community'. Ferguson remarked, "It's a great show. You know I love that show." He continued, "I think you guys are fantastic," to which Brie replied, "I love working on the show. I'm so glad it's back on the air." She then started making some hand gestures which confused Ferguson and he asked her "Why do you keep doing that to me, you're freaking me out," to which she replied, "I'm putting spells on you", to which he playfully said, "you've already done that, you did that when you did the knee. That's why you see me move back like that."
Brie then said, "The distance is hurting me," to which Ferguson replied, "It has to be." Brie then remarked, "Fair enough." She then went all in and said, "I'll just lean!" Ferguson then laughed and replied, "Don't lean; that could be worse." Then the show went on like they never flirted with each other, and they continued to talk about her health and upcoming projects. Though Ferguson’s comment came off as a part of his usual comedic banter, it can also be an example of his pattern of awkward exchanges with female guests. This was far from the only time Ferguson’s interactions with actresses raised eyebrows.
Apart from Brie's interview, another old interaction between Meghan Markle and Craig Ferguson also went viral, back in 2013. At that time, many internet users described Ferguson’s behavior toward Markle as "super creepy" and "awkward." The interview took place on 'The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson'. During the interview, Markle mentioned that she was one of the few people in the entertainment industry who was actually born and raised in Los Angeles. She joked, "Pinch me, I’m real," prompting Ferguson to pinch her, twice. He then commented, "Strangely hairless body you have. You’re quite the dolphin, aren’t you?" Markle laughed it off and replied, "It’s not easy being a lady." However, Ferguson didn’t stop there and continued by asking, "You’re absolutely hair-free. Are you a competitive swimmer?" as per The Royal Observer.

At the start of their conversation, Ferguson also made remarks about Markle’s appearance. When she told him, "I got all dolled up for you," Ferguson responded, "Well, it’s really working." While these comments may seem like standard talk-show banter, it is hard to imagine a male guest being greeted with similar remarks. At one point, Markle talked about her experiences growing up on the set of the Fox sitcom 'Married… with Children', where her father worked as a lighting director. She explained, "It's a very perverse place for a little girl who went to Catholic school, no less, to grow up, because I’m there in my school uniform." Ferguson interrupted her, saying, "Oh yeah," while smiling suggestively at the audience. Throughout the interview, Ferguson also admitted that he had never watched Suits, the television show Markle was there to promote. Many viewers found this disrespectful toward his guest, as reported by Bustle.