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Who is Jonathan Thompson? Amidst the grief, Queen's bodyguard and King Charles's equerry steals hearts

Major Thompson, a Scottish Army officer is considered a 'braw darling' - 'hunk' in Scottish slang
UPDATED SEP 11, 2022
Major Jonathan Thompson belonged to the 5th Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland (Screenshot/Braemer Media YouTube)
Major Jonathan Thompson belonged to the 5th Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland (Screenshot/Braemer Media YouTube)

EDINBURG, SCOTLAND: Major Jonathan Thompson was once the Queen's highest-ranking bodyguard. He oversaw Charles' first public walk as monarch on Friday, September 9. Earlier this year, he was part of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee thanksgiving service at St Paul's Cathedral.

According to the DailyMail, Thompson is the Scottish Army officer who is equerry for the new King and is considered a 'braw darling' - 'hunk' in Scottish slang - by royal observers. Major Thompson became known for his fiery good looks and charm on the occasion of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Thanksgiving Service.


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At the auspicious ceremony, he sat directly behind the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, leading to speculation that he was sitting right there watching Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Major Thompson, who is also known as 'Johnny' by his friends, has found himself at the forefront of historic royal events in recent days. After King Charles III's public tour, he also accompanied Prime Minister Liz Truss to meet the King at Buckingham Palace. He was seen standing behind the King as he signed the proclamations at St James's Palace.

Major Jonathan Thompson along with Queen Elizabeth II
Major Jonathan Thompson (R) along with Queen Elizabeth II ( Screenshot/Braemar Media YouTube)

Major Thompson always wears a thick tartan kilt and a large sporran of fur. This attire had him sweltering during Charles and Camilla's royal tour of Canada in May. He was the permanent bodyguard for most members of the royal family, including Queen Elizabeth. The former monarch died on Thursday, September 8.

The late queen reportedly suffered from ill health and mobility issues and died at her Balmoral residence at the age of 96. She died two days after meeting UK's new Prime Minister Liz Truss on September 6. The downward spiral in the Queen's health was evident during the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations earlier this year that marked the  70th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II on 6 February 1952. The late Queen had reportedly been facing “episodic mobility problems” for some time now and was first seen using a walking stick in October 2021.

Meanwhile, King Charles III ascended as the monarch of the commonwealth of Britain, and Prince Williams, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle were seen together in the royal walkabout. They gathered together in public to view the heartfelt tributes left in honor of Queen Elizabeth II.