Husband murders pregnant wife by slashing her throat while having sex after argument over Christmas dinner plans

Chilling details in the case of Francine Rigo dos Santos' murder that happened last year has surfaced. A makeup artist by profession, she was in the early stages of pregnancy when her husband Marcelo Augusto de Sousa Araujo had allegedly slashed her throat while they were having sex. The latter then went ahead to forge a suicide letter making it look like Francine had written it, it is claimed, according to a Sun report.
The "farewell letter" only came to the fore a couple of days ago, said a G1 Globo News report on December 9. Araujo allegedly impersonated his wife in an effort to make it look like they collectively decided to commit double-suicide and put the blame on Francine's family. The letter appearing to have written by her says, "We're tired of our family interfering so much in our life. We love each other a lot, whether you accept it or not, so we've decided to leave together. We wanted a family together to support us, but it is hell on both sides. May you feel the weight of what you put us through."
Araujo also posted a bogus update on his wife's Facebook page on December 23, one day after her death. The translated post read, "Hi guys, I have a rant to do about my marriage. I'm sorry to tell you that I can't take all the psychological pressure that my family and that of my family made against our union. We are not so perfect, but we feel something about getting married that we don't know how to explain maybe the fact that we do Being best friends helped greatly our union because we are very attached to it made me feel something nobody else did but still it's not the same if the family doesn't accept because we wanted all next we pretend we didn't suffer but it was already all over it For me and for Maa we want peace, and our marriage will be eternal Christmas is not the same without altogether," the post continued.
Relatives who read the post reached Francine and Araujo's house, worried sick after failing to establish contact with the both of them. They broke down the door to their house in Várzea Paulista, Brazil. Inside they found her dead body, the house stained with blood, and Araujo with injuries to his wrist and neck after apparently attempting suicide. He was first taken to the hospital and then to the police station. He's set to stand trial accused of murdering his 21-year-old wife, three days before Christmas last year. At the police station, Araujo confessed to slitting his wife's throat while they were having sex on December 22, according to reports. The couple had argued about Christmas dinner and her pregnancy according to G1 Globo's report. An autopsy showed two lacerations to her neck measuring 6.3 inches and 2.4 inches along with a broken wrist and head trauma. The injuries caused respiratory arrest, cardiocirculatory arrest, unconsciousness, hypothermia, and dehydration.
On August 7 this year, a judge ordered Araujo to stand trial by jury. His defense team appealed the decision which was upheld by a higher court on December 30. A trial date is yet to be set.