Fernando Flores: Britney Spears' ex-bodyguard says she was fed cocktail of drugs weekly

Britney Spears' former bodyguard has revealed shocking details about the singer adding that she was given a cocktail of powerful prescription drugs once a week and would break down in tears while being bossed around by her father James Spears.
Fernando Flores alleged that Britney's phone used to get monitored and she was never allowed out on her own. Britney's guests to her Los Angeles mansion also have their luggage searched. Flores, 40, was appointed as Britney's bodyguard in 2010, a year after her father Jamie was given her conservatorship following her mental health breakdown. He also added that every Friday a woman used to come to hand over Britney's medication. He said: “I’d explain [to Britney] what everything was — three anti-psychotic medications and birth control pills. She’d go from sane to talking about parallel universes.” Fernando, who quit after eight months, added: “Jamie would call three or four times a day to check what was going on." “If she wanted something, she had to ask his permission. She spent her days watching TV or working out. When down, she’d cry listening to [James Brown’s] It’s A Man’s World.” He also said that she was given a cocktail of powerful prescription drugs once a week.
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Back in 2011, Flores was in the news when he accused the pop star of being "unkempt". He said: "She did not bathe for days on end, did not use deodorant, did not brush her teeth, did not fix her hair, did not wear shoes or socks," Flores claims in an amended complaint. He also listed Britney's "obnoxious personal habits" as "chain-smoking cigarettes". He also added that she "broke wind and picked her nose unselfconsciously and unapologetically" and talked loudly and profanely. He also accused Britney of being "mentally unstable" and using illegal prescription drugs, including methamphetamines. Flores also spoke about her diva-like behavior such as Britney allegedly asking her staff to address her as "Queen Bee".
At that time, Britney's attorney accused Flores of "trying to cash in on Ms Spears' celebrity by making salacious claims of misconduct." They say Flores "continues to embellish on his tale of lewd and sensational allegations, which he has already sold to the tabloids." Flores allegedly sued Britney's conservators, her father, Jamie Spears, and her lawyer, Andrew Wallet, for an unknown amount for "psychological damage, anxiety, depression and insomnia" Flores suffered because of "repeated unwanted sexual advances" by Britney.
Flores had alleged that he once went to Britney's bedroom and found her "completely nude". After which Britney stood naked in front of Flores and he asked her if she needed anything, to which she replied two bottles of 7 Up. Flores alleges that Britney engaged in several sexual acts, including intercourse, in front of him. He had alleged that Britney was "loudly having sexual intercourse" while her two young sons, Jayden and Sean, were in the same hotel suite.