Felisha Washington? Texas murder suspect stabs witness, bond revoked

HOUSTON, TEXAS: A Texas woman accused of killing her neighbor has had her bond revoked after she allegedly stabbed a potential witness of her case.
Felisha Washington, 27, was sent back to jail on Friday, September 3 after she allegedly killed a woman who could have been called to the witness stand in her trial for the murder of Ramona “Dede” Jones, 51. “This individual who was on bond for murder was outside of her residence, outside of her curfew hours, and had some pretty significant contact with a witness on that murder,” Sean Teare, assistant district attorney for Harris County, told the outlet. Teare added that the prosecution on Friday, proved that she “violated a number of her bond conditions” and she will now remain in jail until her trial for Jones’ murder.
“When people commit offenses or violate conditions of those bonds, they should no longer have the opportunity to be out until their cases are over, for the safety of the community, for the safety of everyone involved,” Teare said.
Jones' corpse was found in a ditch in the 4500 Block of Idaho Street on October 28, 2020. Houston police stated that Jones' suffered multiple stab wounds. Washington was charged in connection with the case. The investigation department revealed that the two women who were neighbors had a long-running dispute. Initially, Washington's bond was set at $100,000, but court records show District Court Judge Chris Morton lowered it to $50,000. Washington posted bail in December 2020 and was released.
ABC13 spoke to Jones' three daughters about Washington's new charge. "It's not fair at all. We understand we have to have due process," said Jazmine Jones. "But when is enough, enough, when you've taken someone's life." "When is she going to be punished for her crimes. She's going to get out and stab someone else. This is her [mode of operating], stabbing people," said Sydni Lavan. "I miss her a lot and she was always looking out for everybody all the time," said Dakota Jones of her mother. "It's not fair."