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Who are Brett and Jason Oppenheim's parents? Inside 'Selling Sunset' twins' seemingly unbreakable bond

Jason and Brett Oppenheim were very young when their parents split up
Jason and Brett Oppenheim with their parents (Instagram/@jasonoppenheim)
Jason and Brett Oppenheim with their parents (Instagram/@jasonoppenheim)

ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA: 'Selling the OC' stars Jason and Brett Oppenheim's parents are Deborah and Bennett Oppenheim. Their father, Bennett, is a former Vietnam veteran who served two tours and was known for his strict, disciplined approach to parenting. He was a significant influence on the boys during their later teenage years.

Deborah, their mother, worked as a speech therapist and took on the challenging task of raising Jason and Brett alone after her divorce from Bennett. Despite her demanding job, she managed to provide for her sons and deal with their rebellious behavior.

Jason and Brett were raised by their mother alone (Instagram/ @jasonoppenheim)
Jason and Brett were raised by their mother alone (Instagram/ @jasonoppenheim)

Jason and Brett Oppenheim shared a childhood marked by turbulence and challenges, yet their bond remained unbreakable despite the turmoil. Raised by their single mother, Deborah, the twins found themselves frequently embroiled in trouble, facing expulsion or suspension from numerous schools due to their rebellious nature.

Reflecting on their youth, Jason candidly admits, "Brett and I were incorrigible; very difficult to raise as we were intelligent, but argumentative and had a huge antipathy towards authority." Despite their intelligence, they often found themselves in precarious situations, spending several nights in jail for various altercations. Jason recalls, "We had gone to jail for fighting or doing some stupid things five or six times."

However, amidst the chaos, their bond as brothers remained steadfast. Jason demonstrated loyalty to Brett, even in times of trouble. He recounts an incident from the past, when Brett was arrested, stating, "I made sure the officer arrested me too so that he would not be in jail alone." 

‘Selling Sunset’ stars Brett and Jason Oppenheim’s mother Deborah sent them to correctional center as teens

During their tumultuous teenage years, 'Selling Sunset' stars Brett and Jason Oppenheim found themselves entangled in a series of rebellious acts that pushed their mother, Deborah, to take drastic measures. Deborah, a single mother tasked with raising two intelligent yet defiant boys, faced numerous challenges in guiding them toward the right path.

As Jason recalled, they were "incorrigible" youths, often clashing with authority figures and showing behavior that led to their expulsion or suspension from multiple schools. Their troubled behavior escalated to the point where they were frequently involved in fights, leading to several nights spent in jail cells. Reflecting on their rebellious nature, Jason admitted, "Brett and I were really truly wild... We often found ourselves in bad circumstances."

The situation reached a breaking point for Deborah, who recognized the need for intervention to steer her sons away from a potentially dangerous path. With limited options available, she made the difficult decision to send them to what she described as a "basketball course" in Idaho. However, upon arrival, the reality became clear—it was, in fact, a teen correctional camp.

Recalling the experience, Jason described the camp's harsh conditions, including long marches through the desert, minimal food, and austere living conditions. "There was no running water, showers, clothes changes, bathroom tissue, and just a tin of lentils to eat daily," he recounted. The Oppenheim brothers were subjected to a rigorous regimen under the supervision of camp authorities, who aimed to instill discipline and reform their behavior.

Jason and Brett were troublesome growing up (Instagram/ @Jasonoppenheim)
Jason and Brett Oppenheim were troublesome growing up (Instagram/@jasonoppenheim)

Deborah reveals it was a ‘struggle’ to raise Brett and Jason Oppenheim

Deborah Oppenheim, the mother of 'Selling Sunset' stars Brett and Jason Oppenheim, once opened up about the challenges she faced while raising her twin sons. In a candid interview, Deborah shed light on the difficulties of navigating parenthood as a single mother and the obstacles she encountered along the way.

Reflecting on her journey, Deborah admitted that raising Brett and Jason was indeed a "struggle." As a single parent, she had to juggle the responsibilities of providing for her family while also navigating the struggle of parenting two intelligent yet rebellious boys. Despite her best efforts, Deborah found herself grappling with the unique challenges posed by her sons' defiant behavior.

One incident that particularly tested Deborah's resolve was a confrontation involving her boyfriend and her sons. Jason recalled the altercation, revealing that tensions had escalated to the point where Deborah felt compelled to intervene. The incident, which occurred before Thanksgiving, resulted in Brett being arrested for fighting during a night of underage drinking.

Deborah sent Jason and Brett to correctional centre growing up (Instagram/ @jasonoppenheim)
Deborah sent Jason and Brett Oppenheim to correctional center growing up (Instagram/@jasonoppenheim)

How did ‘Selling Sunset’ stars Brett and Jason Oppenheim get into Real Estate?

Jason and Brett Oppenheim transitioned into real estate after starting their careers as successful lawyers. Their journey into real estate began after they had established themselves academically and professionally in the field of law. After their troubled teenage years, Jason and Brett turned their lives around through education.

They both excelled in community college and later attended UC Berkeley, where they graduated with highest honors. Jason stayed at Berkeley for law school, while Brett attended UCLA, both graduating at the top of their classes. Their legal careers were promising, but they eventually decided to pivot to real estate, driven by a shared passion for the industry and the desire for a more entrepreneurial path.

Jason initially worked as an attorney at a prestigious law firm, handling major corporate cases. However, he found himself increasingly drawn to real estate, an industry where he could combine his legal expertise with his love for architecture and property development.

In 2013, Jason took a leap of faith and founded The Oppenheim Group, a real estate brokerage in Los Angeles. Brett joined him shortly after, bringing his own legal skills and business acumen to the company. Their backgrounds in law gave them a unique advantage in the real estate market, allowing them to navigate complex transactions and negotiations with ease.

The Oppenheim Group quickly grew, specializing in luxury properties in high-end neighborhoods like Beverly Hills and the Hollywood Hills. Their success was amplified by their hands-on approach, extensive market knowledge, and strong client relationships. 

Jason and Brett Oppenheim studied law before entering into real estate (Instagram/ @jasonoppenheim)
Jason and Brett Oppenheim studied law before entering into real estate (Instagram/ @jasonoppenheim)

‘Selling Sunset’ stars Jason Oppenheim reveals his strict father would ‘whoop their a**’ growing up

Jason Oppenheim, one half of the dynamic duo on 'Selling Sunset', recently opened up about his upbringing and the impact of his father's strict discipline on his childhood. In a candid interview, Jason shared insights into his family dynamics and the challenges he and his twin brother, Brett, faced while growing up.

Reflecting on his upbringing, Jason revealed that his father was a strict figure in their household, enforcing discipline with a firm hand. Recalling their interactions, Jason described his father as someone who would "whoop their a**" when they misbehaved, instilling a sense of fear in his sons.

"We’d always been pretty well behaved when we were with our dad, because he would whoop our a**," Jason said. "He was a Vietnam vet, who did two tours and was a very strict disciplinarian. And I was always scared of him."

Jason and Brett's father is Vietnamese (Instagram/ @jasonoppenheim)
Jason and Brett Oppenheim's father was a Vietnam veteran (Instagram/ @jasonoppenheim)