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Where is Brian Dripps now? ‘Dateline NBC’ uncovers murderer who brutally assaulted and murdered Angie Dodge

Brian Dripps, despite committing the gruesome crime, didn't get convicted for more than two decades
Brian Dripps murdered Angie Dodge in Idaho Falls in 1996 (@NBC, @KTVB)
Brian Dripps murdered Angie Dodge in Idaho Falls in 1996 (@NBC, @KTVB)

SAWMILL, ARIZONA: Brian Leigh Dripps Sr. is currently held at the Bonneville County Jail after being found guilty of the murder of Angie Dodge. Nearly three decades after the tragic rape and death of Dodge, Dripps was led to the prison. In 2021, Dripps was sentenced to life in prison in Idaho.

NBC's longest-running weekly TV series, 'Dateline NBC' follows the tragic Angie Dodge case in Season 32, Episode 29. In the upcoming episode, titled 'True Confession', investigative journalist Keith Morrison takes a deep dive into the case. It is scheduled to premiere on Friday, February 23, at 9 PM ET on NBC.

Morrison explores the 1996 incident, where eighteen-year-old Angie Dodge was reportedly raped and killed in her Idaho home. The episode promises an in-depth look as Morrison talks to individuals directly or indirectly associated with the case.

By engaging with those affected, the show aims to unravel more details about this shocking incident that sent shockwaves through Idaho.

'Dateline NBC' sheds light on Brian Dripps

Brian Dripps was born in Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA. He worked in the construction industry as a truck driver and laborer.

After committing the heinous crime of brutally raping and murdering Angie Dodge, Dripps didn't escape from prison. Instead, the case witnessed a wrongful conviction before the discovery of the actual perpetrator.

Christopher Tapp was wrongfully arrested and spent 20 years in prison. His arrest was supposedly based on a coerced confession during a prolonged and intense interrogation, as well as circumstantial evidence.

Dripps' heinous acts remained unknown for years. It wasn't until advancements in DNA technology and investigative techniques that the real perpetrator was identified.

In 2019, a discarded butt from Dripps matched the DNA evidence taken from the crime scene. Dripps was subsequently arrested. He confessed to the murder, leading to the exoneration of Tapp and the rightful conviction of the actual perpetrator. 

Dripps killed Angie Dodge (KTVB)
Brian Dripps killed Angie Dodge (@KTVB)

Why did Brian Dripps kill Angie Dodge? 

Dripps killed Dodge with the initial intention of committing rape. He entered Dodge's apartment on June 13, 1996, while she was asleep.

Dripps, who was under the influence of cocaine and alcohol, later claimed that he had initially planned to rape Dodge. However, the situation escalated, and he ended up brutally cutting her throat with a knife.

The motive behind the crime appeared to be a combination of Dripps' impaired judgment due to substance abuse and a premeditated intention to commit a heinous act.

However, the specific details of the motive were not fully made clear by him. Still, the evidence suggested that Dripps entered Dodge's home with the intent to commit a violent crime, leading to the tragic outcome.

Angie Dodge was killed by Brian Dripps who was let loose for more than two decades (KTVB, NBC)
Angie Dodge was killed by Brian Dripps, who ran from justice for more than two decades (@KTVB, @NBC)

How was Christopher Tapp found innocent? 

Tapp was found innocent through a combination of factors that included DNA evidence and a reevaluation of the case. Initially, he was arrested based on circumstantial evidence and his confession, which later turned out to be coerced.

Tapp was implicated in Dodge's murder because he was seen with her the night before she died, and he was part of a group known as the "River Rats" that frequented the area near her apartment. However, when DNA tests were conducted, they excluded Tapp as the source of the semen found on Dodge's body and clothes.

Despite the lack of a DNA match, Tapp had confessed to the crime under duress during a lengthy interrogation. Later, the investigation took a turn when a discarded cigarette butt, not belonging to Tapp, was found to match the DNA evidence from the crime scene.

This led to the reevaluation of the case, and Tapp's innocence became apparent. The realization that the DNA did not match Tapp's and the subsequent identification of the actual perpetrator through the cigarette butt played a crucial role in establishing his innocence. 

What sentence was announced to Brian Dripps?

In a courtroom revelation, Dripps received a life sentence, with parole eligibility only after two decades behind bars. The journey began with his arrest, initially landing him in the confines of Canyon County Jail before a subsequent transfer to the Bonneville County Jail in Idaho Falls, where he remains incarcerated.

The courtroom drama intensified when Dripps, facing charges, entered a guilty plea in February of 2021. In a startling admission, he confessed to the influence of cocaine and alcohol during the night he invaded Dodge's apartment with the sinister intent of sexual assault.

Brian Dripps is currently serving his time in the prison (KTVB)
Brian Dripps is currently serving his time in prison (@KTVB)

'Dateline NBC' Season 32 airs new episodes every Friday at 9 pm ET on NBC. Further, the latest episodes are available for streaming on Peacock the following day.