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'When Mom Becomes a Murderer' Ending Explained: Who killed Nancy? Ellie's suspicion backfires

The shocking twist in 'When Mom Becomes a Murderer' reveals the truth behind Nancy’s death
UPDATED JUL 19, 2024
Secrets unravel as Ellie faces a decision in 'When Mom Becomes a Murderer' (@lifetime)
Secrets unravel as Ellie faces a decision in 'When Mom Becomes a Murderer' (@lifetime)

Contains spoilers for 'When Mom Becomes a Murderer'

KELOWNA, CANADA: Lifetime LMN's latest thriller, 'When Mom Becomes a Murderer', premiered on July 18, 2024, captivating audiences with its intense and suspenseful storyline.

Directed by Paula Elle, this 90-minute Canadian film features outstanding performances from Lauren K Robek, Matreya Scarrwener, and Spencer Borgeson, who skillfully bring their characters to life, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.

The plot revolves around a quiet teenager, played by Matreya Scarrwener, whose world is turned upside down following the brutal murder of her best friend. As she grapples with her loss, she uncovers a shocking revelation: her mother, portrayed by Lauren K Robek, has a hidden past linked to a similar crime.

This discovery sets off a chain of events that plunge the teenager into a web of secrets and danger, compelling her to question everything she thought she knew about her family. Let's explore the film's gripping conclusion, unraveling the twists and turns that lead to the shocking final moments, and shedding light on the ultimate fate of the characters involved.

Ellie's desperate escape leads to a confrontation with Carla  

A still from the movie 'When Mom Becomes a Murderer' (@lifetime)
A still from the movie 'When Mom Becomes a Murderer' (@lifetime)

In the gripping climax of 'When Mom Becomes a Murderer', after locking herself in a room Ellie (Matreya Scrrwener) manages to escape through the window, only to encounter Carla (Beth Fotheringham), who she believes may hold answers about her mother’s dark past.

Carla, who initially appears sympathetic, serves Ellie tea, but her facade begins to crack when Ellie’s friend Isla calls, revealing that Carla is not who she claims to be. Carla had falsely presented herself as a librarian and had been present on the morning Nancy died.

As Carla returns to the garden, Ellie loses consciousness and falls. When she regains her senses, Carla is nearby, and the situation becomes dire. Carla, revealing herself to be Emma's mother, expresses her anger towards Ellie’s mother, accusing her of causing Emma’s tragic fate.

Carla, furious and vengeful, picks a gun, threatening Ellie. Carla's rage is fueled by her belief that Ellie’s mother was responsible for Emma’s disappearance and subsequent death. Meanwhile, Ellie’s mother, Jane (Lauren K Robek), frantically contacts Ellie’s father, and Ellie’s friend Isla alerts Jane that Ellie is with Carla.

Ellie, struggling to breathe, requests her inhaler from Carla, who instead taunts her. Remembering her mother’s breathing exercises, Ellie manages to calm herself, untie her ropes, and make a daring escape.

Jane saves Ellie as Carla's deadly plan unravels

A still from the movie 'When Mom Becomes a Murderer' (@lifetime)
A still from the movie 'When Mom Becomes a Murderer' (@lifetime)

In a dramatic chase, Ellie runs to a nearby car, where she finds Simon (Spencer Borgeson), who reveals his connection to the tragedy. Simon discloses that Nancy’s (Emily Giannozio) death was not supposed to happen and that Carla had played a role in it.

Simon explains that the jacket Ellie gave to Nancy led to Nancy’s demise at Carla’s hands. As Carla approaches, Simon tries to intervene, but Carla's desperation drives her to pursue Ellie further.

Ellie escapes to a cliff's edge, where she is confronted by both Carla and Simon. Simon attempts to convince Carla not to kill Ellie, but Carla, blinded by grief and anger, insists on her plan.

At this critical moment, Jane arrives, determined to rescue her daughter. Carla, aiming her gun at Jane, forces Ellie to choose between jumping off the cliff or watching her mother die. Jane cleverly distracts Carla with a flashlight, causing her to drop the gun.

The situation turns in Ellie’s favor as police arrive to arrest Carla. The film concludes with a heartwarming resolution: Ellie and her mother, Jane, reconnect and heal their strained relationship. Two months later, Ellie embarks on a new chapter of her life, heading to college with her friend, while hoping for brighter days ahead and the promise of a road trip, signifying a hopeful future.

'When Mom Becomes a Murderer' is available for streaming on Lifetime.