Stephen Colbert couldn't hold back his tears when Dolly Parton started singing: "Are you crying..."
Stephen Colbert and Dolly Parton are two of the most beloved celebrities in the entertainment industry. While Colbert is renowned for his comedic chops, television hosting, and, of course, political satire, Parton, on the other hand, is credited for her massive contribution to country music. Given their epic personalities, the duo had a gala time on 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.' So much so that Colbert was reduced to tears as Parton mesmerized the host with her angelic voice.
During a video call on 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,' back in 2020, Parton's voice brought the host to tears as she promoted her new book, 'Songteller: My Life in Lyrics.' When Colbert asked about the songs her mother used to sing to her, Parton recalled many but was especially moved by 'Bury Me Beneath The Willow,' The Tennessean reported. She explained, "It's about a girl who was going to get married, and her boyfriend left her at the altar. So she died, of course." Parton then charmed Colbert with a few lines from the song.
As Parton continued singing 'Bury Me Beneath The Willow,' Colbert became visibly emotional. He turned to a crew member to show that he had goosebumps on his arms. As the song went on, he took off his glasses and wiped his eyes with a handkerchief. Between lines, Parton noticed his reaction and playfully asked, "Are you crying? ...I better hush before you cry yourself to death, and then we can't finish the show."
Colbert shared about the emotional impact of the moment, saying, "Isn't it funny that sometimes there's nothing happier than a cry?" Parton agreed, replying, "Yeah, I think that cleanses your soul. I think water's good to wash it out. Later, as they discussed her new book 'Songteller' and her past lyrics, Colbert asked if she had written any new songs recently. Parton shared a new lyric she had come up with, saying, "'I love you whether you like it or not and I'm going to love you till I decide to stop.'"
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Internet was also moved by Parton's impactful singing, as fans shared their views under the YouTube video posted by 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.' A fan said, "I was listening to the interview while washing dishes. I started crying when she sang, not knowing Colbert was crying too, and when she said, “Are you crying?” it legit freaked me out. She’s wonderful," while another shared, "She’s a ray of sunshine in a very cloudy year." In a similar vein, another opined, "Having a big ugly cry now, remembering my grandma whistling these old country melodies while she worked. Dolly must be protected at all costs!" Another shared, "As a Southern boy, I feel this. She's got a voice that speaks to us in a way nobody else can. Thank you, Dolly!"
On another occasion, Colbert was moved to tears while sharing about his deep love for Taylor Swift after a memorable interaction with his daughter, as per The Things. He recalled how his daughter was very nervous about meeting Swift, but the encounter turned out to be better than he could have imagined. Colbert explained, "I'll love Taylor Swift 'til the day I die," adding, "I would put on armor and follow her into battle." He described how Swift greeted his daughter with kindness, saying, "She turns around and goes, 'Pretty girl!' and comes and puts her arms around her and goes, 'Oh, you look amazing!'" Colbert continued, "She just praises my daughter for how she looks for, like, 30 seconds." He concluded, "I would jump off a cliff into a pit of spikes for that woman for how nice she was to my daughter. You’ve got to remember that."