What is 'Respect the Drip' challenge on TikTok? Why is it so popular?

Just like many other internet challenges, the 'Respect the Drip' challenge is currently gaining limelight on TikTok. In this challenge, users are seen dressing up in different attires and asking to respect what they are wearing. The original version of the video was uploaded on TikTok by user @drewbreeeeze on July 23, 2019.
He is depicted in it wearing multiple layers of clothing while complaining that his stepmother won't allow him to wear them outside. The video received over 72,300 likes and 9,000 shares in less than a month.
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What is 'Respect the Drip'?
The phrase "respect the drip Karen" alludes to a TikTok video in which a person discusses a new costume but their stepmother won't let them wear it out. It also contains the slang term "drip," which denotes fashion or outfit. The challenge required the user to present the drip-worthy attire that can attract the most attention, with unexpected ballerinas, bunny rabbits, and other outfits, TECH JUNKIE reported.
Why is Respect the Drip popular?
The TikTok user @nicksdeathpit released a well-liked version of the video on August 5th, 2019 in which he dons an expensive squirrel outfit. In just 21 days, the video received over 827,600 likes and 93,000 shares. In just 19 days, a popular version shared by @kevinconstantino82 two days later received over 870,600 likes and 68,600 shares, THE SHAHAB reported.
Respect the Drip Karen was described as "a TikTok reference to someone donning their favorite (usually unusual) attire and whining about how they can't wear it out" by Urban Dictionary user HeylookmomImadeit on August 14th, 2019. The video earned over 663,700 likes and 24,100 shares in just five days.